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Department 2.0: Instructional Technology & Learning Sciences Department @ USU

We went with Drupal for our department website last year in order to give more voice to students, some of whom are online distance students, and also to make it easier for everyone to contribute to the website. Each student has their own homepage and blog, and also can contribute to wikis. The site also features a job board, calendar (both with rss feeds), room scheduling (not used at the moment), as well as group wikis, blogs, and news (which doubles as a mailing list since news is emailed out to everyone in the group).

One thing we didn't have time/budget for was to create a custom theme, so we just tweaked the newsflash theme from roopletheme instead for now.

The URL is

I am in the process of upgrading the site to Drupal 6. We also conducted some usability tests that will help with the redesign.

Later this summer I'll be bundling the modules and configurations I am using (such as the job board, event/resource scheduling, group wikis and so forth) as a free download for other departments or schools to use (it will be called "Department 2.0").

I'm also teaching a beginning HTML/CSS class this summer in which we'll explore using Drupal, too, including creating a custom Drupal theme and site for the final project. All the course materials will be posted online and have an open creative commons license.

heybeliada denizati

it's coming...

this website is for a cafe in heybeliada (one of the prince's islands) in istanbul.

Narhir Design - new web design company

Hello everyone

I would like to introduce you to a website that I have designed and devloped for my newly opened web design company:
Modules used: Contemplate, Views2, CCK some more.. less important

Feel free to comment on whether you like it or not, or have any suggestions.
I would be grateful for your replies.

Here is a website that combine videos, streaming of african soccer games made with drupal, developped by AP2S (

veteran website made with drupal?

I was watching the Rachael Maddow Show on MSNBC and there was a psa announcing a website for veterans of american military i am pretty sure it is made with drupal but i am not sure... – social networking made easy

Mission & Philosophy

Our mission:
"Provide a meeting ground for Drupallers. A place to get to know eachother, help eachother out, find a job and where all participants can earn some AdSense revenue in the process."

The main idea whilst building this site, was to use only user contributed, out of the box modules. All features on the site are available through existing modules. Since it is not always that easy to set up a comprehensive social networking site with Drupal, I wanted to share my fully integrated approach, so I wrote down every single step, together with more then 100 screenshots. This formed the "Drupal 6: Ultimate Community Site Guide", which is available for download at or as a paperback at Amazon.
Let's take a look at some of the key features of Drupalfun.

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