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Canton City Schools

The Canton City School District of Canton, OH has an enrollment of over 10,000 students, with two high schools, three middle schools, 14 elementary schools, and several alternative schools. Each school, and the district itself, have its own dedicated website. Until December of 2011, these were powered by a Drupal 4.6 multisite installation.

They contracted with V-Soft and Louisville Web Group to help them design sites that reflected their message better, transition them to a more modern version of Drupal to take advantage of advanced capabilities, and make it easier to manage.

Upgrade Path?

The first decision to make was whether we would do an upgrade. Running Drupal 4.6, that would involve at least 3 separate steps. 4.6 -> 4.7 -> 5 -> 6, not to mention all the contributed modules. However (and thankfully), another goal of the project was to clean up their content and get rid of the unnecessary chaff, making a better browsing experience. Considering this, keeping all their old content, users, modules, etc was actually a negative.

The best album by...

Very much a work in progress - but it's mostly there. Another personal project I've been working on over the last week:

Just changed site to Drupal

I have been wanting to change my site over to a CMS site for awhile now.

Recently decided to take the time and do it. No staff, just me, myself and I. I figured the three of us could handle it! :)

Did some research and came across Drupal. I was considering it and Word Press. To be honest, I had heard a lot of bad things in regards to Word Press in relation to glitches, back doors, etc...

Ended up installing drupal twice. Both times through a cpanel script/function installer that is provided by my hosting company.

First install did not work right, but the second did.

Long story short, here it is:

Wanted to share it with the Drupal community. I am no programmer by any means, and consider myself really an amature web designer, but I really like how this has turned out. You would have seen the first one to know the difference. It is night and day.

And I am getting TONS of good feed back from my viewers, they love the new site.

So, a big shout out to Drupal, and everyone who is supporting it. All those folks making modules, etc... keep up the great work!!

It is still in development to a degree, and there is a lot of functionality I want to add to it down the line, but right now in my opinion it is a pretty sold site. And all the little bugs are worked out for now, so all seems to be good! rebuild

I have just put the rebuild of live. Until now, my site has been the site of a freelance Drupal developer. It filled the job quite well, and got me a lot of work over the past couple of years, but design-wise was mediocre at best.

I have just hired my first employee, with plans for another in the next few months, so the site needed to be changed from a freelance developer's site to an agency site, as this is both the image I want to portray, and the type of work I am looking to get. So, I sat down and redesigned the site, and rebuilt it from the ground up.

The site is built in HTML5, on Drupal 7, with the RDF module enabled. This led to some issues, as no validators have this sytnax built into them, so in some parts I'm still shooting in the dark as far as what the valid syntax will be. However, there is some press on the net to further this combination of html5 with RDF+a, so hopefully in the coming months I will be able to properly validate the code.

Bond Lifestyle on Drupal 7

We recently launched the Drupal system behind

Originally an HTML website with several databases for comments, users and a forum. We migrated the databases into Drupal and setup the base content type structures, views and panels. We were then able to migrate all content using Ckeditor with Ckfinder and other convenient tools.

Cell Family - Protecting Children - Connecting Families

Cell Family protects teenagers against distracted driving, cyber-bullying and sexting. The website connects to the Cell Family mobile application that is installed on the children's mobile phone. this mobile application is connected to parents' phone and sends them alert calls and SMS in the event of rash driving, keeps a record of the messages and senders to the child's phone and prevents calling and texting while the child is driving.

We used Drupal 6 with Ubercart 2 to program this website and make it talk to the web application interface that the parents use to monitor the activity and their account. The website ordering system was changed to offer a better control and the Drupal CMS was custom-built to offer more control to the website administrator. Our web developers and Drupal programmers worked together to release this site in a record time of 2 months with all the interfacing that was required with their web and mobile application.

Drupal modules used for this child security web application

  • Ubercart for E-Commerce
  • Nodewords
  • Email registration
  • Oor own custom modules(for fetching data from current site to Drupal site & vice versa)
  • Page title module


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