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Drupal Modules Site

The Drupal 7 Manual site was originally set up to illustrate the Drupal 7 Manual but has been extended to illustrate some of the modules in the Drupal 7 Modules Manual.

Some of the modules illustrated include the following.

Custom themed real estate web

My latest project using Drupal 7x, themed with Zen. The client required a CMS to manage their property and client information. The emphasis was on design and theming but also with a simple to use interface. Used the installation package 'Corporate' and expanded the functionality from there. Very happy when drupal looks nice:

Comments, suggestions and feedback more than welcomed! :=)

Using Drupal to reinvent DVD special features.

I want to say, right out of the gate, that I'm tech literate, but I'm not a programmer. I'm a comedy writer and film producer and for my new movie, False Profit, my creative team and I wanted to reinvent the special features you see on the DVD, and offer an extensive and interactive behind the scenes look to our backers on Kickstarter.

At first we looked at the usual suspects: open-source forum software, wordpress, etc. Forums offered us the interactivity with our audience we wanted, but most CMS's didn't offer us the ability to block our proprietary data from people who haven't paid for the content.

Then we found Drupal.

I've worked with Drupal before as a writer for a large web magazine, but Drupal 7 was a revelation. It was easy to configure exactly the way we wanted and the built in permissions scheme was perfect. Drupal itself made us expand our idea of what this could be. In just a few days, we were able to build exactly what we were looking for, without once having to hit our heads against a wall.

We'll be using our Drupal page in three ways: as a forum to communicate with our audience; as a CMS to give them a behind the scenes look at the movie as it's made; and as a document management system for us to share scripts, budgets, schedules, etc, with each other as we collaborate and make this film.

DrupalEstate First Version released


I am pleased to release my realestate project based on drupal "Drupal Estate." it is using rlisting module and i have done various customization with views etc. it is based on drupal 5.x . you can download the code here:

I am looking for some one to help me with site design for this project, also if anyone is willing to further develop it please contact me. has gone drupal

Check out and please criticize and or compliments appreciated.
Built with very highly modified theme I bought, Mostly with drupal core and view.

Some of my newest drupal sites - all custom themes and functionality from scratch

Take a look at some of my newest drupal projects. The e-commerce ones were built in 6 because many payment gateways haven't been released for 7 yet and I often don't know which payment gateway a client will choose when making the choice, the others were built in 7. All are SEO friendly and use a lot of common modules plus specific modules for personalized functionality.

Every one was built with a custom template from scratch to my designer's specifications, no cookie cutter work here. Any feedback or comments are appreciated:


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