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Reveiew my tech blog

I would like a review from drupal experts out here to help me with suggestions for my tech blog/

the blog is located at

suggest and/or criticize about anything from layout to the finer details

P.S. the content is from my old blog.. will remove that and post new content when I am done.

Photo gallery & video by Pachuu

I introducing website photo gallery & video in Thailand.

"Pa Chuu" is name of Thai photographer. He take photo and made video by himself in "Photo of Life" (speak Thai).

This website made with Drupal 6.x with some modules.

My podcast site is up, now what? I need feedback and suggestions... Oh and a problem sharing pages on Facebook

Well my site is up, and I think I have everything worked out and it is all working. Well cept sharing certain pages on Facebook. For some reason if I try to share this link it doesn't pull any information about the page into Facebook...

Finally got my portfolio online!

Hi all,

Been working with Drupal since 2008 and never looked back. But as most of us you spare time is a scarce commodity so I never got around to create a portfolio of my own work. Started multiple times and never finished it due to deadlines on other projects but this time I managed to pull thru!


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