Show others what you've been working on and get feedback. For in-depth case studies, check the case studies section.

Why have you deleted my website here on "Drupal Showcase" forum?

There is NOT a spam. Is a Drupal website and here is a showcase for Drupal websites! What is the problem? Check out my website:

Insurance comparison with a 'Moulin Rouge' look and feel: work with specialist insurance providers to compare the best car, home & contents and landlord insurance cover and policy price for unusual and non-standard requirements.

Drupal 7 Real Estate Module

This is a clean minimalist real estate website built in Drupal 7 with a custom real estate and open house module. The modules themselves are free for download.

The real estate module will create a custom content type and utilize fields allowing you to create custom views using Views.

If there is enough interest and request, I will make a request to have the module uploaded to the repository and maintain the module from there.

Site features

The GEOBLASTER in Drupal 7

GEOBLASTER USA ( is a website built for the American company in the GEOBLASTER family of websites. The Canadian website, is also built on Drupal 7.

The GEOBLASTER executives have been educated to the powerful abilities of Drupal, and appreciate the self-managability and expansion capabilities of Drupal. It took time, but now they are comfortable using their customized software; saving, updating and managing their own data, images, videos, and news. They are able to publish the information they want on their own website on their own schedule, using an interface as easy as Facebook. They are not web developers. is my first Drupal project. I used numerous modules and a few hundred lines of custom module code. Almost every node view, views listing, and add/edit form used a custom template. I also customized other forms like user registration, login, comments, ..etc. I used a commercial theme called Quantive by RocketTheme. This site replaced and old ASP/MS Sql Server site called If you go there you will be redirected to Much of the "customization" work I did you cannot see unless you have content manager privileges but you can see many views, GMap and Location implementations, and theming.

D7/Ubercart wholesale sales site


This is a wholesale website for indoor gardening supplies. There is no public sales so the catalogue/ordering display is controlled with Views, Views Access, Quicktabs. When an anonymous user visits the site they are shown items without price/order forms. Once the user logs in they then can see price/order forms.

Example of catalogue shown to logged in user:
Same catalogue for anonymous user:

Registration on the site is done only by the admin so I used Simple Access to control access to the Registration Page and Link.

The product page is done with a custom temple, Views, Views Access, Quicktabs and References

This is what an anonymous user sees
This is what a retailer/logged in user sees

The product info tabs are done With QuickTabs, Views and References. The References is use for the MSDS/Product Manuals, Where to Buy and Related Products.


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