We thought this build maybe of interest to community as an example of how to replicate's (sub)menu layout (seen here, using the the Context Module.
The design brief was simple; Don't use drop-down menus (even thought that would add an additional step for users navigating the site) and replicate Apple's menu system.
The site's content structure is quite large, and Drupal was the perfect choice as we needed 12 types of content, including articles, blogs, PRs, polls, surveys and podcasts. All of which needed to be easily editable by a non-tech user.
A few main features;
- Context - By checking the condition via path, we display $section_title on the left and a custom menu per section of the site on the right.
- Events with sign-up;
- Enquiry form which looks like it's within a node. This is done via a 'below content' block with the condition to only display that Webform on the specific pages. See
- Image gallery using Views & Colorbox. See