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D7/Ubercart wholesale sales site


This is a wholesale website for indoor gardening supplies. There is no public sales so the catalogue/ordering display is controlled with Views, Views Access, Quicktabs. When an anonymous user visits the site they are shown items without price/order forms. Once the user logs in they then can see price/order forms.

Example of catalogue shown to logged in user:
Same catalogue for anonymous user:

Registration on the site is done only by the admin so I used Simple Access to control access to the Registration Page and Link.

The product page is done with a custom temple, Views, Views Access, Quicktabs and References

This is what an anonymous user sees
This is what a retailer/logged in user sees

The product info tabs are done With QuickTabs, Views and References. The References is use for the MSDS/Product Manuals, Where to Buy and Related Products.

Faith Life Now Store using Ubercart

Hi Guys,

We just finished construction of a new store for Faith Life Now. You can check out the finished product at:

This is our first D7 site of this scale. We had to rewrite several Ubercart modules so they would work correctly in D7 so we spent a bit more time on this than we would have if we had used D6. However, we felt it was worth the extra time due to the many new and improved features of D7.

We would love to hear what you think.

Multi ecommerce ubercart website

Our new ecommerce website released
Built on the same source of our ubercart platform, the original website is Studio lighting wholesale.
Thanks ubercart, now we could extend our ecommerce business rapidly.
We're planning to move to the drupal 7 with drupal commerce in next stage.

Using Context to replicate Menu System and Layout


We thought this build maybe of interest to community as an example of how to replicate's (sub)menu layout (seen here, using the the Context Module.

The design brief was simple; Don't use drop-down menus (even thought that would add an additional step for users navigating the site) and replicate Apple's menu system.

The site's content structure is quite large, and Drupal was the perfect choice as we needed 12 types of content, including articles, blogs, PRs, polls, surveys and podcasts. All of which needed to be easily editable by a non-tech user.

A few main features;

- Context - By checking the condition via path, we display $section_title on the left and a custom menu per section of the site on the right.

- Events with sign-up;

- Enquiry form which looks like it's within a node. This is done via a 'below content' block with the condition to only display that Webform on the specific pages. See

- Image gallery using Views & Colorbox. See


Yes they went all out. Harvard the one and only are running Drupal.

Check it out->

Website review

Hi everyone,

I am not a web developer, but just a couple of months ago I find out about drupal. I have been working on my very own site since a couple of weeks ago. comments are welcome it is a website about construction.

I am still working on a lot of things, but this is what I got so far.



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