I have started a new website called Kluhster. My developers used the Drupal software to create this site and I would like you to log on and tell me what you think!
We have been live for about 3 weeks and, obviously, our next goal is to get as many people as possible to the site! We are still working to improve the site, so don't give up if you find something not quite right!
The concept of Kluhster (the phonetic spelling of "cluster") is a social network that uses common interests to connect people together. For now, we currently have 3 "clusters" (kluhsters); Golf, Hunting and Movies.
Here's an example of how it works in just one of the Kluhsters...Movies.
Within the Movie Kluhster, we have the following areas:
-Movie Search
-Movie Reviews
-Latest Releases
-Top Rated Movies
-My profile
Essentially, you can go into the movie search and find thousands of movies. You can select "I have seen this" or "I want to see this" and it logs that movie under "My Profile" in the "Movies I have seen" or "Movies I want to see" heading. You can also select whether you liked or disliked the movie.
Other users, of course, do the same.