Show others what you've been working on and get feedback. For in-depth case studies, check the case studies section. - look and feel help please !

Hi everyone

I have developed with drupal 6 and a standard theme / standard modules.
- the website has free Excel / VBA tips, a forum, and a few other bits and pieces

I'd like to improve the look and feel on the main page to make it a lot more customer-friendly.
- icons instead of links in the main content
- instead of links on the left hand side, I'd like to remove those and replace with dropdown menus under the top banner

Singapore MOE sites

I did not create these, but I was so excited to come across actual Drupal sites run by Singapore's Ministry of Education that I had to post about them here (most Singapore government sites are on proprietary CMSes and Drupal developers are relatively uncommon)

MOE Sports and Recreation Club

MOE O Live Stuff I Need To Buy

Still under quite a bit of development, but thought I would share and see if I could get some feedback on it. Basically, you can mark things as stuff you want to buy and itll be collected in your NTB list. Some other user interaction but its growing and getting better. All with time, which I dont have much of. So take a look, upload something and have fun. Thanks for checking it out. - A site powered by Drupal & AI

While Acobot is a system involving huge amount of data and complex calculations, we tried our best to make its website as simple as possible.

Still you can find some interesting use of Drupal modules, for example, the demo page.

  1. Go to
  2. Enter the URL of your home page (either it's a Drupal site or not :)

You will see how a live chat robot works on your own website!, Jack Daniel's Memorabilia

Hi folks,

I would like to introduce you one of our new website for one of our client:

They are selling Jack Daniel's memorabilia products, like Oak Chest, DartBoards, Bar Risers, etc... Check it out!

We used Drupal 7.12 + Ubercart and a lot of modules like NivoSlider, Menu Block, Superfish, etc...

It our first e-commerce website with Drupal so far and we are quite happy!

Have a nice day,


My new company website is now Online.
If you are looking for a Drupal Suite Builder or Themer in Germany then contact me...


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