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My story: an independent professional and a Drupal newbie developing his website

My site, running Drupal 7 (more precisely, 7.14 at the moment), is at

I kept thinking for a while whether I should post it here. All in all, it is a very simple website, without fancy visual design. (In fact, it uses Stark theme, i.e. absolutely _nothing_ interesting on the visual side :).) On the other hand, it may be a good example of the power of Drupal being used by an independent professional, who is not a Web development pro etc.

Before installing Drupal, I had a website consisting of several static HTML pages I coded manually. Every time I looked at it, I thought "OK, time to either kill it altogether, or to start some development and improve it somehow". One of the key reasons for the site to remain in that “hanging” stage was was not about technical difficulties. I am quite well-known in my professional area, so from a business development perspective, I just did not feel a strong need to develop my website. However, I finally decided to start this journey, which is still at a very early stage :). I also decided to add a separate section for my personal stuff, like mountain trekking, a personal blog, etc. (That part has not been published yet, but I have been working on it.)

Australian Business directory using Drupal 7

Hi all,

Please review the site Australian business directory developed using Drupal 7. The only thing new about this site is the integration of Google maps.
Addresses entered into the address field automatically turn into a Google Map using 'Simple Google Maps module'.

The directory is pretty basic in features right now. Please suggest new features that can be added.


My new dark theme

I have just finished design of dark theme, fixed width, 2 columns layout, really very simple.Have a look and any comments appreciated. If anyone is interested in theme files I can e-mail it.


Auto Theft Prevention

A while back, my mother's car was stolen. I did a lot of researching on auto theft prevention mechanisms and created quite a large document. I recently decided to translate the information to a website to help other individuals find products to protect their vehicle. My goal in creating a website was to make it: (1) easy to update content; (2) viewable on phones, tablets, and desktops; (3) informative with direct links to products.

Auto Theft Prevention

For a theme, I selected Skeleton for its clean look and mobile-friendliness.

The list of installed modules (excluding modules supplied in Drupal) is rather short: adsense, ctools, analytics, panels, page title, token, and XML sitemap.

Surprisingly, there is no actual content (e.g. nodes). Each of the pages is a panel page that contain 'blocks' with the information.


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