Show others what you've been working on and get feedback. For in-depth case studies, check the case studies section.

Soft Opening: Citizen Journalism Based On Drupal 6

Soft Opening: citizen journalism based on drupal 6

Need a few Beta Testers for new Drupal Site

About to launch a brand new site in Drupal 7 - Would like to get a few interested beta testers.
We are also hiring part time developers and themers if any of you are interested.

please email me at if you are interested in participating in our Druapl 7 Site beta test. is a site where you can convert your JPG images into a PDF document in an easy way.

I wrote an node_api function in my module.
This function converts all the upload JPG files to a multi-page PDF document.

Page size, page margins, page orientation and image rotation are things that can be choosen during node creation.

The used theme is Corolla.

Janus: Private Business Jet Customization

Project name: JANUS™: a simplistic clean design for a private aviation customization company.

Looking for design suggestions to improve our Drupal based website (Specifically the home page) before public launch. Drupal has been a wonderful experience and we are currently converting 3+ other old company sites and upcoming sites to the Drupal CMS. The design is intended to be extremely clean and simplistic as per request to complement the companies product. - A trip report database for avid and/or aspiring travelers

I created the Trip Report Database a few weeks ago as a way to try out Drupal as well as grow a collection of searchable/sortable trip reports. The site's brand new and is still developing - however, take a look and let me know what you think.

Patch crowd funding platform

I represent a site of Drupal patch crowd funding platform.
This is a "developer to developer" service.

  • While working on a paid job have you ever experienced that found a bug in a contributed module, which has no patch to fix?
  • You must admit that neither bug-fixing by yourself of unknown module, nor searching for alternatives to replace are not the appropriate solution of this kind of problem?
  • It would be better if someone quickly and competently fixes a bug found and allows you to finish your work on time and to get paid, wouldn't it?

It is just what kind of service PatchRanger project is offering :

  • Every single issue have its own reward sum, that is being collected collectively.
  • Every visitor has the opportunity to voluntary donate any amount to reward sum of any issue.
  • The collected sum will be received by the developer, whose patch will fix the issue.

Here you are a link to this service :
How does it work? - an article, containing an easy to understand explanation of what is going on.


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