Show others what you've been working on and get feedback. For in-depth case studies, check the case studies section.

redesign for a non profit

Did a redesign for Preventing Colorectal Cancer. My first website :)

Old site

My site

villa rental in Saint raphael

Drupal 7 website for villa rental in Cote d'azur, french riviera

villa Gecko

Gadgets site

Drupal 7

Website with gadgets information in dutch.

Drupal 7 for news collection site

Photo news gathering...

iphone focused

The challenging thing bascially is feeds importer with xpath to parse xml or hmtl. As well as how to generate these feeds item to become website widgets embedable to other sites.

Responsive Web Design with Drupal

Recently I rebuilt, using Drupal 7, and I have shared some of the design decisions I made, and the modules I used. Read about it at Responsive Web Design With Drupal.

Topics covered:-

a site for modern research

I have build this site. Being newbie to drupal and technically mute in coding, i need your expert comments over my site.

shubham singhal


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