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New Drupal Classified Sites

Tried doing this with WP but... Yeah long story but here it is finally save for the formatting issues with the main view. is the focal redirect of five other large classified ad sites. I'm sure the bots will never stop getting 404's. is hosted on a Lustre filesystem for 8.1TB of storage that I also share with my MythTV setup.

Common Ground Adventures

Common Ground Adventures is basic Drupal 7 site.

Ted Thorsen Material Handling

Ted Thorsen Material Handling is an ecommerce site using Ubercart 3.x and custom modules for live freight quoting and other customizations.


CONTAINERPAL provides a range of container rental services specially designed for your company’s needs, servicing automotive, food, beverage, dairy, chemical and pharmaceutical industries across the globe. Reusable Transport Packaging provides a higher quality, greener, and more cost efficient alternative to corrugated packaging.

Site built using the Omega theme for responsive displays.

Drupal site approaching 500,000!

Just wanted to brag. Our site will hit 500,000 nodes tomorrow!

Drupal 7 Employee File System

i looked extensively for a simple employee file system built using Drupal and didn't find any. so i made one.
it's still in development but i feel good about the site to at least have it shown to people here for your criticisms.

i needed a simple HR system that will track the following:

- employee personal file
- leave request
- service request (like a mini-ticket system)
- overtime request (and whether for cash conversion or for offsetting)
- undertime request
- posting company job openings
- posting company wide announcements

my biggest challenge was keeping content secure (for content and files that are confidential) so this is where i spent most of my time on. i've put this thing together in 2 days.

right now there is only 1 role (human resource) for managing all the employees but later i would like to expand this to able to add supervisor role so that supervisor can also approve leaves, overtime, etc.

still on my to-do list:

- system wide notifications
- lots of theming! (i suck at this)
- export data to csv/excel for reporting

you can find the demo below:

to login: (123456) - human resource role
juan.cruz (123456) - employee
john.doe (123456) - employee

please provide feedback and recommendations!


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