Show others what you've been working on and get feedback. For in-depth case studies, check the case studies section.

OPTTIC Optimize the world

Check my website ! It's done with the great nodestream distribution.

You will find technical computing information that I found interesting and is totally based on my experience.
You will also find two blogs that you may find interesting:

Good google page rank

Sites developed on Drupal get a pretty good start Google page rank. All our sites are given the rank of 3 or 4. We create websites on various subjects, containing 100 pages or more, good quality content and design. Our own website has rank 4 on the next month after the launch.

new Omega based and responsive Theme

Hello fellow drupalers,

I have just finished a new Drupal 7 theme that i named it VIVID. you can see a demo version of it at :

Nucleus base theme and Drupal themes

Hey there,

I just joined the community a few weeks ago. However our team is with Drupal around 1 year. Not really active yet but we want to be closer with you guys and get your honest and direct feedback about our work.

First of all we have recognized that theming, styling in Drupal needs a longer learning curve compared to other CMS. Yes yes, I know this is the same thing for every new technology, thing you learn needs time. However the process itself is quite annoying, so we saw this problem and have developed Nucleus
Again a new base theme? Yes, we have checked the most used base themes (Fusion, Zen, etc.) and they don't really provide what we needed. So we build a new one from scratch. We thought don't stay with the status-quo and do something different.

You are welcomed to use it, test it, crash it, fork it, improve it whatever needed to create a base theme which simplifies the theming process. So don't be nice, give us straight forward feedback ;)

We published also 4 free Drupal themes here on so you can use Nucleus on Theme we already have built.

Loads of free drupal tutorials

Check out our site with loads of drupal tutorials on topics ranging from panels, views, workbench, drush, configuring drupal and more

Drupal tutorial videos

Here is a drupal tutorial we just created on adding a map using panopoly

please give us your feedback.


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