This forum is for assistance with theme development.

So, can I make a slightly diffrent layout for each Block?

On my current site, each of the side blocks is diffrent, so I want to know if there is a way to do it here in drupal.

Right now I am tring to make the theme box_gray more my own (Taking the advice from this forum).

If there is a way to do this, can someone point me into how to do it?

FYI, the theme that I want to get to will look something like iRotbots you can see it here....


How hard is theme development, Want to move to Drupal...

I want to move my blog to Drupal, I have a nice theme ( (WARNING: ANTI-BUSH site, You have been warned).

I love my theme, but b2E is not that great, so I will ask...

HOW hard is it to make a new theme, all of the drupal themes are very bright and chipper...

Is there a macromedia template or help?

Thanks for the advice...

How to Set Header Width For Clean_Slate Theme

I'm modifying the cleanslate phptemplate theme. I want my header to start flush left and end flush right, or extend across the width of the page. I've removed the padding and margin from the #header CSS, but there is still a bit of white showing on the left edge. How do I remove that so the black header image is flush left? Thanks.


Q: How can I print a date like 12/30/06 for my nodes?

I was wondering if anybody knew how to print a date other than the standard short, medium, or large date. I would like to not have the hour part of the date (ie: 5:23pm) when the date is displayed. Can anybody point me in the right direction?


Which CSS editing software suits better for designing phptemplate themes?


whats your favourite CSS editing software?

Which CSS editing software suits better for designing phptemplate themes of Drupal?

thanks a lot,


Associate two different templates with the same flexinode

Hello all,

I created flexinode-1 with the flexinode module and then created node-flexinode-1.tlpl.php,placed in my selected phptemplate theme current folder. Very good result, I'm able to show/hide precisely all the fields of flexinode-1 and associate them with CSS design. thanks to Dublin Drupaller


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