This forum is for assistance with theme development.

Smarty Theme question: Is there a tag that uniquely identifies each content page?

I would like a way to uniquely identify each page with a page id or something. The page title isn't good because it can change and because it contains spaces sometimes.

I'd like to do this with page_id being the actual unique identifier of a page or something. Is there a tag like this?


also is there some master list of function hooks/tags for smarty somewhere?


Smarty issue: for some reason the foreach loops for primary/secondary links ignore the <li></li> tags

Does anyone know why this is?

{foreach from=$primary_links item=link}

  • {$link}
  • {foreach}

    So it ignored the li tags--its driving me nuts. What I had to do is put the

  • stuff in the actually link and remove them from the foreach loop.

    Anyone else having this problem?


  • Using img instead of red * for new posts/comments in tracker module...

    So my first theme is coming along nicely. I am surprised at the amount of progess I've made so far. I am now stuck on something however, and I'm hoping the Drupal geniuses on the site will help me out.

    I would like to use an image instead of the red asterisk for notification of new posts and comments on the tracker module. Unfortunately, I have been unable to figure out how the asterisk is generated in the first place. Is it in the tracker module? How would I go about modifying my style.css file to override the asterisk in place of a small .gif file?

    display the page content in the home page in style

    Hai all,

    I need to . ie, I need to add an image with a page and should display in one line. I just tried with image gallery module. Successfully added contents, but failed with listing. Understanding that I am not in a right way of using modules and assume there may be other module I should use.
    Please could you help me.

    new drupal theme available - MINIML - uses phplayersmenu, random-image, send_url, print, built in search, tested/works 4.7

    Ive been hard at work customizing the theme for first drupal contribution.
    I havent yet received CVS access or my password doesnt work, so I thought id just post it here for everyone for now.
    feedback welcomed.
    Download Miniml Theme Here....
    Click here for a mini-screenshot
    View a working example here:


  • phplayersmenu - javascript
  • random image rotator - just put images inside the "images/header" directory and they will dynamically be rotated.
  • send url by email - toggle show/hide(top left icon)
  • built-in search - toggle show/hide(top left icon)
  • print function built in (top left icon)
  • heavily customized CSS
  • custom $links buttons
  • fixed-width layout - crossbrowser friendly
  • Instructions:

    1. unzip and rename folder to "miniml" or make sure it is named miniml (some images reference the folder name)
    2. upload to your server in the /themes directory
    3. turn on by activating in admin/themes
    4. NOTE: You MUST have at least 1 link in each block that you activate in the admin. the phplayerstreemenu appears to break the page for an unknown reason if you turn on a block that is empty. If you do enable a block and get an error, just go into the database and turn off the blocks in question, then reload the admin/block page and enable from there.

    is possible to have list of titles display without having any teaser in the main column?

    i'm using xtemplate and would like to have a list of article titles without any teaser nor abstract.?


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    - djfkjfksdjfjdsf
    - kjdfkjdskfjskfjds



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