This forum is for assistance with theme development.

Drupal Theme Generator Version 3 (Jan 2006)

Drupal Theme Generator version 3.0
©2005 by Sam Raheb
January 5, 2005
Designed for use with Drupal versions 4.6.1 or greater
Supports both PHPtemplate and Xtemplate Themes
Includes Source Code

Completely Revised - with many more features !
• Generate an unlimited amount of site themes for Drupal CMS type websites
• Easily create both PHPtemplate and Xtemplate Themes in minutes
• Supports both flat (non-graphical) and graphic enhanced themes
• Includes 3 modes - Developer, View-All, and User Modes
• Preview your themes on you local computer without having to upload the themes to your Drupal site
• Includes optional Dynamic Drop-down menus support
• Include optional META tags support
• Includes support for adding your own custom programming code.
• Integrate additional CSS, JavaScript, PHP, and HTML code in to the themes via an external file or hard coded format
• Includes both regional and block border-image and background-image features
• Includes a Random color theme generator
• Include a HTML Color assistant
• Change both vertical and horizontal alignment of theme elements
• Includes 9 graphically enhanced 3D website themes
• Includes a theme development test area
• Easy to use spreadsheet interface

System Requirements
Microsoft Excel 2000, 2002, or 2003 with Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) support

How do i modify "login box" style in xtemplate?

i'm still using xtamplate... does anyone know how to modify login box style? tks


merging MOO.fx and drupal

I was currious if anyone hast tried to use MOO.fx's ( cool javascript menus with drupal. I think it could be a nice effect to be used with the right or left menus.


Horizontalism ... again ...

I've posted on this before, and I'm going to try various solutions to it on my (developing) site when I get a chance, but I just thought I'd put in a request. As people far smarter than I work on new themes, I hope that a few of them give some consideration to assembling themes, particularly in phptemplate, that use horizontal block regions.


Using phpTemplate to detect section


I've been working on a new site (4.7 using phpTemplate) which has a fairly standard layout with a Blog/Articles section and a forum. But I've been wanting the forum to have a different layout, the FlatForum module got me halfway there, but I need the forum page template to be different too.

So I made a little script in the page.tpl.php file to detect if the user was on the a forum page and deliver a different template if they were. Here is the code I'm using, it basically uses the url to detect if it is a forum page or if the node type is 'forum':



$ukf_url_expode = explode('/', url($_GET['q'], NULL, NULL, NULL)); 
$ukf_url_expode_rev = array_reverse($ukf_url_expode); 

$ukf_url_nid = $ukf_url_expode_rev[0];

$sql = "SELECT vocabulary_node_types.vid
		FROM node, vocabulary_node_types
		WHERE $ukf_url_nid = node.nid 
		AND node.type = vocabulary_node_types.type";

$result = mysql_query($sql);
$row = mysql_fetch_row($result);

if ($ukf_url_expode[0] == 'forum' or $row[0] == '1' ):


**Forum Template Code**


**Normal Template code**


So far it is working fine, but I'm a designer really, not a programmer (I just learn what I need to as I go along) so I'd like the opinion of someone more versed in PHP as to whether it is a good idea to use this system on a production site or if it is a horrible hack that'll cause me problems later.

Change background according taxonomy or path?

Hi all,

I recently visited the joomla page, and I view one nice feature that I want to implement in my drupal system. Is the possibility of changing the background according with the taxonomy or path.

For example you can view this page from joomla. (orange bg) (blue bg)

Can this be done in drupal using a single theme?

Thanks, Simon.


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