This forum is for assistance with theme development.

drupal css elements - a full list?

I am working on my first drupal theme and want to know if there is a full list of the elements required/i should include in my css.

i have created the layout already in css, yet of all the different themes i have looked at the coding of, i often find contradictory elements or they are structured in not the clearest way to follow.

I do not want to add the php (i am/will be using the php engine - unless someone convinces me otherwise) until i have all the syles down.

Can anyone point me in the direction of a list of css elements?

Listing vs. Landing pages

I've done some pretty radical changes to how I display content on my nodes. The problem that this presents for me is that when I display content by taxonomy, I've got some major problems. Basically I want to have two kinds of templates per node type- a listing template and a landing template. I know that there is a concept of "teaser" but this hasn't been sufficient for me. So the hack I came up with is the following:

<? $httpvars = ($GLOBALS['HTTP_SERVER_VARS']); 

if (stristr($httpvars['REDIRECT_QUERY_STRING'],'taxonomy')) 
	{ // do listing display  }
else { // do landing display} 


Anybody else have ways of doing this that are straightforward?

Stylesheet sometimes goes AWOL in my new phptemplate theme

I am trying to port Ruthsarian's Skidoo Too template to Drupal and getting on OK. However, the theme breaks if I navigate to any page below the top level, as if it can't find the stylesheet.

The CSS file is called "style.css" and it is located in the folder "themes/Skidoo_too"

I call the style from page.tpl.php using the code print $styles

Spreadfirefox Tabs - how to?


Ok, I give up, can someone tell me how the tabs (primary links) work in the Spreadfirefox theme? I think want to use the theme box_grey, but I want the primary links tabs to be like those in the Spreadfirefox theme but for the life of me I can't seem to get them to show up in the box_grey theme though I *think* I copied everything I need.

Can someone help?



blix theme frontpage bug

look at this:

the theme shows posted by twice :S once in system language and once in the locale choosen language :S

what's wrong? could someone help me?

thanks a lot!


Newbee needs YOUR help...please HELP

Hello ppl...

I hope someone can help i am new and you can say a little please help me out...ill appreciate it...

the thing is that i downloaded "PHPTemplate" from and placed the unziped file into the themes/engines directory....well that was easy and not so complicated...


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