This forum is for assistance with theme development.

creating themed page

Did a search on this forum with no luck,

If you know of the correct search terms to use or place to look at, please let me know....

What I am trying to do is create a themed page....

I did this....print theme('page', $output); and it returned a page with content, but the problem is it return a normal white page. What I want it to show is the themed page, a page with decorations (not sure of the correct term to use here) on the border of the page.

How do I do that?


"print $terms?" now obeying url_alias?

When I place:

<?php print $terms?>

in my templates, it displays:


as I have specified in my url alias?

Anyone experience this? Any solutions?

Getting a Flash-based MP3 to work with MP3s and the attachment module.

Not sure where this should go, and I'm a drupal rookie, so no diff/patch or anything fun like that. Appologies if this is the wrong location to post this in. Sorry folks ... I'll get up to speed soon. In the meantime, here is some information about how to get a Flash-based MP3 to work with MP3s and the attachment module.

Download the MP3 Player ...

at around line 350 (inside function theme_attachments) add the following ... note that object and data are misspelled and will need to be corrected in your code (had to do this to get around the suspicious input check).

  if ($attachment['mimetype'] == 'audio/mp3'){
   $mLink = module_invoke('filemanager', 'url', $attachment['fid']);
   $player  = "<div class=\"player\">\n";
   $player .= '<obbject type="application/x-shockwave-flash" daata="/player.swf?src='.$mLink.'" align="middle" height="18" width="160">';
   $player .= '<param name="movie" value="/player.swf?src='.$mLink.'">';
   $player .= '</object>';    
   $player .= "</div>\n";
 $output .= "</div>\n";        

then modify the query inside attachment_load to read ...

$result = db_query("Select attachment.aid, attachment.title, attachment.description, attachment.fid, attachment.filename, attachment.size, attachment.hidden, `file`.mimetype From attachment Inner Join `file` ON `file`.fid = attachment.fid WHERE nid = %d", $node->nid);

Making secondary links appear on only some pages


I would like to have my secondary links appear on one page only.

The page I'm working on is here: I'm using PHPTemplate.

The primary links appear in the top right, under the search box.

When a person clicks on "My Business" , some extra buttons are going to appear in the blue cube area. When they click on the other primary links those buttons will disappear. Is this possible? My thought is that it would probably done in the node.tpl.php file, but I'm not sure.

How do I wrap all comments in a single div?

Ok, this seems like it would be really easy, but it's throwing me for a loop.

At the bottom of a node, *if there are comments, I would like to wrap all of them in a div and insert a headline like so:

Background Image not working in Explorer 5.2 Mac

I have 2 background images coded using CSS on my site. It works on every browser except 5.2 Explorer Mac.

My css code is as follows ...

body {
background-image: url(bg_grid.gif);
#main {
width: 765px;
height: 600px;
background-image: url(bg_wtrmark.gif);
margin-left: 70px;
margin-top: 30px;


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