Still on Drupal 7? Security support for Drupal 7 ended on 5 January 2025. Please visit our Drupal 7 End of Life resources page to review all of your options.
I am using an Apache2 server, with MySQL 4.1 and PHP 5.0.4 running in a Windows XP environment.
Drupal went really smooth on the installation, but I cannot display any theme. All modules seems to be working fine. Fun fact: although images from theme cannot display, the hyperlinks (home, primary links, etc) are disposed according to the theme. The web server do not display any error and here is the log:
Just wondering if anyone else has run into this issue with the spreadfirefox theme. Whenever I try to make a table with a set width (we'll say 100) it takes the table and drags it out to the width of the whole page div tag. Any ideas as to what i'd have to do to override this would be appriciated.
I noticed on several sites (including two of my sites) that the password box was not the same size and color as the username box for logging into Drupal or Civicspace.
It turns out that the default "boxgrey" and "cleanslate" themes are not defining a size for input.form-password. But they are defining the size of input.form-username.
Once a user has read an entire comment thread, and scrolled all the way down a list of comments, it is bad usability to make them scroll all the way back up to the top of a page to add a comment. It also encourages them to click the "reply" link for the last poster, which results in unintentional nesting.
is there anyway to put a gap beetween the article list in the main page?
For instance: if I want to put some content after the 3/th article in the main page (an include text, a banner, a link), is there anyway to do this with some template engine?
Or better, can i call the template engine to show the number of article i need?
For instance: i can call the first 3 article on main page with some specific
I'm using the latest version of PhpTemplate with Drupal 4.6.2, and when I come to display primary or secondary links, it will only show the last link that I have listed in the Themes/Settings/Bluemarine (phpTemplate version) settings.
i.e. out of 'link1', 'link2', link3', only 'link3' is displayed as it should be, the others don't appear. It is the same with any phptemplate theme.
I heard this is a new problem that has only cropped in 4.6.2 of drupal, but if anyone can offer a solution that'd be great.