This forum is for assistance with theme development.

Wanted: Custom Theme .. will pay $$$

Hey guys! I dont have any experiance with css and php .... well I do, but its very limited. I tired to build my own theme and they just looked like crap. Is there anyone that would interested in building me a theme? It must be very professional looking like the Drupal and Firefox sites. If your interested please reply to this post or e-mail me at


PHP Tags in xtemplate?

Can I use php code in an xtemplate theme? If so, how? I'd hate to have to start over with phptemplate...

Any way to use a theme without making it public?

Just curious, I'm wondering if there's some way to view a Drupal site with a new theme as the superuser without enabling it and making it an option to all the other registered users. It seems like that would be a nice feature, especially when theme developing.


I have recently finished re-theming my website and in the main it was all a nice pleasant and straitforward process thanks to the theme_* functions.

The only thing which I wanted to theme but was unable to easily was the links output by nodes and printed underneath the node content. In the main for general blog nodes etc this links output is perfect but in a couple of the modules ( the book and image module specifically ) you can end up but with a big long list of links which is quite hard to read.

phptemplate - primary / secondary links

Perhaps the explanation for these theme-specific links should read something like:

In the format: text:url; more text:url (// for absolute urls -- leave off http:)


Where is HTML for Admin block generated ?

Can anyone tell me where the HTML which generates the logs under the Admin section is generated ? I have looked through admin.module, watchdog.module and statistics.module but can't seem to find anything likely in any of those.

What I want to do is add a CSS class to the initial


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