This forum is for assistance with theme development.

Drupal Site Theme


What Drupal theme is this site using?

Hiding node footer in Chameleon theme

I need to be able to hide the name, date and time for a node in the Chameloeon theme. Where can I do this in Drupal 4.4?


Bluemarine - CSS Style Switching


I have about five different .css files of different colors. I would like to setup 'secondary links' to link to each of different style sheets.

Does anyone know how to do this?

I have searched through these forums, and also tried to look at code, but none of it made sense.

Thanks for your help!

Added Bonus: If you can also change the font size, like here you would be da man!

Regards, th3gh05t

Disapearing divs in xtemplate?


First, let me say that I am a novice user of Drupal, but have some basic PHP skills, etc.

I am developing a tableless CSS-based layout built using xtemplate. I've been having a problem that a div I'm using to position the main content area (inside the

section tag) dissapears whenever I log in, so the administration content isn't styled or placed correctly.

Looking at xtemplate.engine, I found this on lines 192-194:

Switch styles dynamically with PHPTemplate

I am pretty happy with the flexibility of PHPTemplate. However, I would like to have two seperate style sheets. One would load for the majority of the site and be fixed width and in the center. Whenever you enter the admin section you would get a more flexible full window width style sheet. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to accomplish this in PHPTemplate?

How to? (Help) >_

Hello i been wondering, how can i do rounded blocks?
im insterested to know!
can anyone tell me how


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