This forum is for assistance with theme development.

SOLVED : Trying to have a sub-theme from Belgrade (D 9.2.4)

Hi everyone,

I'm using the Drupal version 9.2.4

I try to create a sub-theme from Belgrade 8.x-1.1.

So I installed Bootstrap3 and bootstrap3_commerce then Belgrade and then my sub-theme.

my sub_theme works but my css file is not used, I read everything i can find on this subject but it changes nothing.

Here is my info.yml

{{ foo }} variable in twig not outputting anything even-though {{ dd(foo) }} shows the value is set

I have a views tpl where I set a variable but nomatter what I do, I can't get the output as a string ... even-though the drupal dump is indicating the value is set before AND after the output.

{% set foo = 'bar' %}
{{ dd(foo) }}
{{ foo }}
{{ dd(foo) }}
this is driving me absolutely nuts ... been looking at this for over an hour

Override a template for a specific content type in Drupal 8

I added a new content type naming 'Custom Page'. I want to create a new template for all of the content with the content type 'Custom Page'.

I added the below code into my custom.theme file:

function yan_theme_suggestions_page_alter(array &$suggestions, array $variables) {
  if ($node = \Drupal::routeMatch()->getParameter('node')) {
    $suggestions[] = 'page__' . $node->bundle();

I understand that it needs to create a file xxx.html.twig in theme/custom/templates, right?

Main menu override defualt name suggestion in Twig

Im using {{ drupal_menu('main', 1, 5, TRUE) }} to render main menu inside an individual template, and only suggests menu--main.html.twig and menu.html.twig

Choosing a Theme (Video Audio & Newsletter function needed)


I am new to Drupal and would like to ask for suggestions regarding a theme, needs to be very simple & user-friendly, mobile-compatible, and amenable to video logging & audio streaming & subscribed newsletter

don;t mind paying for theme as long as it is one time only payment


In Comment Preview, display parent entity at top ... or not at all

I see that there's a fix ready for the problem of 'parent entity displays above action buttons'   

This is an improvement certainly, but why are we displaying the parent entity at the bottom of the page at all? 

In any case, my users are going to expect it to be at the top, though we'll probably do fine if it's not there at all.


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