This forum is for assistance with theme development.

{{ title }} _in_ the view (page)?

I have a view (page) for which I removed the title block (which outputs the view-title) because it doesn't allow me to implement the design as request (need a wrapper around the view title and the exposed filters).

So I need the view title _in_ the view and the code is there ...

Warning: imagesx(), imagesy() and imagecopyresampled() in dashboard area

If i create or edit any content included images, i get this error in dashboard and the weird thing is that disappears after refresh browser

my PHP Version 7.4.20 and also GD enabled

form_element override

to have more control on each radio button of my custom module also to add onclick action for each element i have to override form element template to prevent affect other elements, so i used

function mymodule_theme_suggestions_form_element_alter(array &$suggestions, array $variables, $hook) {
  $suggestions[] = $hook . '__' . $variables['element']['#id'];
  $suggestions[] = $hook . '__form_id__' . $variables['element']['#id'];

and have

menu-local-task - changes do not work


I am making theme for Drupal 8 || 9, based on Classy templates.
I need to make some changes to the display of links in menu-local-task.html.twig file. But any changes to it don't work.

In file base theme is: base theme: false
Classy templates inside my theme folder.

drupal_view() and exposed filter with AJAX creates new output per each submit

Im using exposed filter which working with ajax through default template as expected, but once using

{{ drupal_view('books_page_view', 'page_1' }} to render this page view in template, its create new output per each filter submit
it tried to use contextual arguments but i need use multiple filter together and should be dynamic so it only works for a stable arguments
is there another way to use view and prevent create new renders?

Filtering webform submission view not working


I have created a view that shows some webform submissions (a list of title, first name, last name). But when I want to use a filter (for ex showing only ladies) I'm getting issues. 
I'm in "Add filter criteria", I select the field I want to use to filter (for ex Name: Title). 

When I click the "Add and configure filter criteria" button, I see the spinning wheel for a couple of seconds and then nothing happens. I'm still on the "Add filter criteria" screen while I would expect to go to the configuration screen. 


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