This forum is for assistance with theme development.

Blank page after submit /admin/config/regional/content-language

After submit new update on /admin/config/regional/content-language get blank page and if return to page again no changes happend, i rebuilt cache and try again but cannot submit new change

It could be about paragraph? previous paragraph field working fine with enabled fields correctly but new changes impossible.

I think it related to count of paragraph fields and after using a number of fields it cannot add new data or store new update, could be correct?

Commerce price calculated TWIG - how to add currency variable?


I am using the commerce-price-calculated.html.twig file to format the currency (by telling it in config to not show any symbol nor code)

And it works per plan currency, because there the twig has the "currency" variable available, as I guess it's in commerce_price.module.

But sadly the commerce-price-calculated.html.twig does not have access to that variable.

I am trying to use .theme file preprocess to give access to the currency variable for the commerce-price-calculated.html.twig but I can't seem to figure how the main line of code would like like.

Add fontAwesome Icon on beside textfiled

How to add font awesome icon on textfield left side "as per" input type for example

username textfiled appear user font icon

mobile textfiled appear mobile icon

please suggest any module for this.

I also share accept output 

image link

please help us

Thank you

Only local images are allowed.

Exposed filter date Is between error

I want to filter post based on the year, so used Content: Authored on (grouped) and tried to find a way to collect all related posts but seems everything should be complicated in Drupal as usual!

Pass Simple Query Result Into Twig

Hello, I'm currently undergoing an internship, our task is to make a custom twig to display, for example a list of taxonomy terms, I've added a vocabulary with a few terms.

I did this in two ways, for reference the DB table and rows are:
'taxonomy_term_field_data' and there I have my name row with the name(genre) of the movies.

Twig translated links not working correctly

I have 4 buttons with 2 languages and get them in Twig by

{% set buttons = view.field_link_button['#items'].value %}

{% for btn in buttons %}
<div class="text-center">
   {{ link(btn.title, btn.uri, {class: 'btn'} ) }}
{% endfor %}

and per each content have 1 link as below

link 1:

  • '/books'
  • '/fr/books'

link 2:

  • '/mags'
  • '/fr/mags'

link 3:

  • '/authors'
  • '/fr/authors'

link 4:


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