This forum is for assistance with theme development.

AJAX not updating the view after sent


I'm working on a custom theme without much knowledge of Drupal. We're working mostly on Wordpress and we had to move to Drupal for this project.

We are using the Poll module that does the job except that when we send the result or try to see the results, it does not change the view or reload the page, the only modification is the "Loading message" that is added on the right of the input and then nothing.

We would like to know if we maybe deleted some region or block that was needed, some wrapper that should be available for the AJAX to work.


Theme editor/maker/generator


Is there any working tool for create D9 theme?

How can I assing an ''Id' to this class: : view-grouping-header ? Bootstrap 4

this comes out after creating a View using the group templates from the Boostrap list, but the grouping section is not within it.

<div class="view-content">

      <div class="view-grouping">

        <div class="view-grouping-header">...</div>



Advocate Zymphonies theme 2.0.1 front page slideshow

I sent this message to zymphonies about their front page slideshow. so if you guys don't have any solutions I'll just post their solutions if they even respond with helpful information. this is kind of like a test to see how responsive they are before I buy their products.

I’m using advocate zymphonies theme 2.0.1. Before I buy anything from zymphonies I noticed that when I try to use the front page slideshow I get an error message and the complete site shuts down.

Attaching a library to a twig template that is overriding a module template

I'm trying to attach a library to a twig template that is overriding a module template using the following function:

{{ attach_library('mytheme/my-library') }}

The attach isn't happening though. If I add the same attach_library function to my page.html.twig file, it attaches without issue, so I know my library is setup properly. I've also confirmed that my template override is working properly (it's changing the output of the module).

Is there something special I need to do to attach a library to a template file that is overriding a module template?

ThemeKey module


I have defined a rule path path = node / 110 in the ThemeKey module, I have cleared the cache but it does not work.

At the same time I get the notice "garland is configured as administration theme at admin / appearance. This setting is more powerful than a corresponding ThemeKey rule.
As configured at admin / appearance, adding or editing a node will use the administration theme, garland.
Missatge d'estat "

What could be the cause?



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