This forum is for assistance with theme development.

Twig render fields if depending on selected value


I have a paragraph type that has several fields:

Image_field, link_field, and List Field that consist of:


In twig I want to have an if statement that if you select "s", wrap image_field and link_field with a div class of .small. If you select "m", wrap image_field and link_field with a div class of .medium...etc.

I tried doing this, but I'm still getting ALL my content rendered with .small div class:

Template SlideShow Hide Not Working Danland Theme

I'm using drupal 9 version theme doesn't hide slideshow can you help me

CSS override not working

NOTE: I got it sorted after finding a similar topic posted 11 months ago. I was using libraries-override when I just needed to point to the library in my theme.

I'm trying to override a stylesheet in my Business Responsive theme with my own stylesheet in my Business Sub (sub-theme made from the Business Responsive theme).

The file I'm trying to override is:


With the file:


My has this relevant part:

Get entities (paragraphs and their parent) refering TO my current node in twig a node.tpl

I have several referinces to my node from entity reference fields inside paragraphs on other nodes (other CT also) and I'm looking for a way to get ALL entities refering TO my current node in twig. Everything I can find online, seems to deal with getting referenced entities FROM the current node.

Slide show with multiple content

Hi drupal newbie here, can i get suggestion on how I can integrate this to our website :

Problems with tables in the body by using Drupal 8 W3CSS Theme


I have problems when I include tables into a body in a basic page in Drupal 9. They don't fit to the page when I change the size of the window, they come off the edges, into other block (right sidebar for instance), while the text is justified perfectly...I am using the theme Drupal 8 W3CSS Theme 8.x-1.19 that it is responsive.

Some advice?




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