This forum is for assistance with theme development.

How to adapt the appearance of Modal Flag to Bootstrap 4 ?

My website is with Drupal 8 and the Barrio theme (Bootstrap 4).

I have a problem with the Flag module and the Modal windows.

This is what a Modal window should look like :

Here is what a Modal window looks like with the Flag module (the same problem appears on all contrib modules and core modals) :

Call admin made custom form in twig

I create 3 different custom forms by Administration > Structure > Contact forms area and need to call them in specific template but most of tutorials mentioned to create form programmatically by creating module or modify Is there any way to create a form in Admin panel then call it in twig file like {{ form.<custom_form_machine_name> }} ?

Problems with Image Field Caption module


I have installed the Field Caption module, and enabled it. I follow the instruction from

I choose the field format "Image with caption" on the "Manage display" tab for an image field, but I cannot see it when I edit the content type with the image field...What could I am doing wrong?

Thanks in advance!

Problem with placing a block in a region

Good day!

I'm only start to learn Drupal and i have a problem with configuring blocks. I want to hide some block on some pages but when I open page with block configuration there isn't tabs Content types and Pages in visibility settings. Can you tell me why? Drupal version 8.9.3

All node properties are protected

I installed fresh Drupal 9, Devel and Kint as usual but when i tried to access the node properties saw all of them are protected, so any twig function only return Null

Align the image field to the left and the text to the right in a view

Hi everybody!
I have created a view with the teaser. I have a content type with two fields: a body and one image. You can see here:


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