Other functionalities: refresh, check, trash, remove, publish...

In this section we will describe the operations involved in some other functionalities not related to the execution.

Refresh all

  • The operation to refresh the patterns list is performed using AJAX. The js/patterns.js file contains a function that will ask the server for the service to be consumed at admin/patterns/refresh. In this case the function will be patterns_io_get_patterns_service() (in the file includes/io/io.inc):
    • It retrieves again the list of patterns calling patterns_io_get_patterns().
    • It will call the theme function with patterns_list() as a hook, so the theme_patterns_list() function will be called with the new values.

Check a pattern

  • When a pattern is checked, the function patterns_modules_page() is called using the PID as an argument.
  • This function (in the file theme/modules.inc) checks the current list of modules installed in the system and inform of the ones that should be enabled in order to run the pattern properly:
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