This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

File locations for embedded Gallery 2.1-RC-2a in Drupal 4.6.6

This is probably a really basic question. I have Drupal 4.6.6 (tarball) and Gallery 2.1-RC-2a (cvs). Gallery seems to be running fine standalone. URL rewriting is fine in Drupal. My question is where to put the files from the Gallery 4.6.0.tar.gz tarball in order to embed Gallery 2. There are two module files (gallery.module and G2_filter.module which are in different directories in the expanded archive. G2_filter.module is in the /contrib/gw_filter folder and the gallery.module is in the top directory of the archive.


THe BLocks module is not working correctly. It does not save the settings when i go in and change them. IT keeps going back to what was orginally set.... also, it will not put anything in the content area. I have installed the insert block module, but nothing goes in the middle.

Can anyone help here? or point me in the right direction for help?


Block visibility problems: Would a Block node type help?

I'm having problems with Blobk visibility being way too limiting. For one I can't limit visibility by user role or taxonomy (if there is a module out there that let's me do that-do tell). I had to create a new page type just so I could get the visibility settings I wanted.

I have several blocks that I've had to create twice just so I could get them on the pages I wanted. I was thinking ab making a Block flexinode type to help me a little bit.

anyone debug this line of PHP for me pls? trying to pass parameter via URL

I havea click-able link generated by this code in fckeditor_textarea in my version of fckeditor.module

changing roles for each point interval automatically

is it possible to change user roles for each point interval automatically. i'm using "user points" module. if possible, how can i do that?

Gallery Module questions (Image Block and Embedded)

I just got Drupal Setup at

Everything appears fine except I cannot get my gallery to display imageblock anywhere on screen. I have tried to set this to left, right, footer, and content.

I hear people talking about an embedded gallery and mine links to the gallery but it just opens like it did before I had drupal, so I think perhaps I haven't enabled the embedded part of this process.

I have tried 6 different templates to verify it wasn't a problem with that.

Any ideas, on what I can try?


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