This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

Simple way to publish XML within a node?

I asked this question before but I think I worded it in a confusing way, so I'll try again.

Lets say I have a file called data.xml which calls template.xsl as a transforming template. How can I get the transformed results of data.xml to appear as content within a node?

I have previously done an SSI-like function as a PHP tag within the body of my node, but the same technique doesn't work with XML and I don't know enough about it to know why.

Anyone have any ideas?



Block Caching and LGPL

I've got a couple of questions concerning a module I'm creating:

Admin action notifications/confirmations not clearing until logout

I am using Drupal 4.6 with the theme Pushbutton.
Whenever I do an action command, I get a dialog box that says 'Configuration options complete'. All is well. I go to another page.. and it comes up again.

What is happening is these actions are not being cleared. So after making a few adjustments I've got an entire page of confirmation messages.. and they don't go away until logout, or emptying of the session table.

Is this a template issue causing the session information not the be cleared on page load? Or is this an issue with session management on the server end?

modules serving data from external non-MYSQL sources


I am developing a node module that involves access to a different type of database using a different set of database access functions. Certain important node hooks ask for a return value that is a query result resource. The problem would be solved if there is a way to return a query result resource that imitates the expected result resource? Is there a standard advised way to do this?

Alternatively, is there any way to get around using a query result resource to return data, so that the module hooks can provide data from other sources?

Move from weblink to flexinode

Hello everyone,

The short story: Please help me convert all my 4.6 weblink nodes to flexinodes.

The longer explanation: During the past few years, the users on one of my sites accumulated a few hundreds links. We are using the weblink module to manage them. Since the 4.6 upgrade, the weblink module no longer has any presentation features. This makes the module in itself not very useful, and the directory module doesn't inspire me in any way. I would like to convert the entire weblink collection to flexinodes, without loosing data and without changing the URL's.

Adjusting inline code for (img_assist).. Mod caching issue?

I'm using drupal 4.6 with a modified Friendselectric theme. With img_assist, when i specify left or right alignment, it places the image in the expected place, but it places it with the *rest* of the page wrapping around it. What this means is that if i insert an image into an article that is only a few lines long, on the page that lists the stories, you'll have stories 2,3,4 all wrapping around the image, destroying the entire layout.

Here's a sketchy diagram to display what i mean :
The image below (as #) belongs only to story one, and should not have story 2 anywhere near it, but this is the result)

Story 1 : The image i took :
|####| This was taken from a camera!
|####| Story 2 : Damn wrapping issues!
|####| that gets wrapped up with story 1's image
and then it causes the bottom to finnally hit a new line

Story 3 : starts where it should be on a new line by itself.
This is story 3's content.

So i figured a duct-tape fix would be to simply disable the alignment feature, and just allow the image to sit on the page (not floated, or wrapped). I did this by deleting the

, uploaded.. and go no result.

Everytime i modify the code.. i get no results. I adjust the code, upload, exact same outputted source. I delete the content of the entire module.. and it stops working (as it should), which lets me know im working with the right file. Make my changes, upload and not a single change. I deleted the entire image output function and no change either.


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