This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

How to modify the value of $node->body?

Hi! I'm creating a module for faqs. I was thinking that it would be easy to store the data in the node table by making the body look like:


I would then have two separate entry blocks, and when the data is saved to the database, I would modify the body to properly format the data. I've written most of the stuff, but how do I tell Drupal what $node->body should be? hook_insert/_update don't have a modifiable $node passed to them (and the body field may already have been written?).


Moderation system integration with OrganicGroups

The DigitalBicycle Project is working to develop a Drupal module that would allow site-wide moderation of content in a uniform and transparent manner. We define moderation as the process of granting or removing access to nodes, rather than of promoting or demoting content to positions of attention or obscurity. We are currently developing a moderately sized (several thousand user) community hub with extensive Groups functionality.

Please make note that the following is not a spec. Rather this is a collection of ideas that our developers have come up with and are making available in order to elicit feedback from the community. We hope that this will help ensure that the development of a moderation module benefits more than just the DigitalBicycle. We have not yet determined whether development will take place in house or be sponsored, but any ideas or support would be greatly appreciated.

We would like this module to have the following attributes:

The workflow.module exemplifies the level of extensibility we require in order to fine tune moderation to different situations. Workflow.module works in concert with actions.module and enables:
- powerful creation and customization of actions
- arbitrary creation of moderation actions (publish, unpublish, send emails, interaction with custom modules such as file sharing, a points system or custom featured content)

Form_Select, multiple selections

Does anyone have an example of using a select box (form_select), multiselect enabled in a module? Beyond the obvious of setting the argument to true, how do you specify the selected values, and how do you access them from other hooks? An example would show all of this, but I can't seem to find one.
I give you thanks in advance, -Rob

Problem with latest release of Flexinode module

I tried to downmload latest release of Flexinode module from here: But looks like the archive contains only one license file.

Project module assigning

I am using the project module and i would like it to behave differently concerning assigning issues.

When you want to assign an issue, the dropdown menu only provides "unassigned" and current user name (if no one is assigned, or if the current user is assigned), or it provides current assignee name, and the current user name (if somebody other than current user is assigned to that issue).

Is there possibly a way to assign more than one person to the same issue? how can i limit the dropdown menu options to users who belong to a certain role?


Broken adress emailpage%26nid%3D18

I am getting the following link line
which is automatically generated.

This is causing in page not found.

Whereas is ok, but this a manual input.


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