This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

Why i cant use "submit sitemap to Google when updated" in gsitemap module?

when i selected that option in gsitemap setting. but i got the wrong prompt in logging.

"Error occurred submitting sitemap to Google:
在F:\xampplite\htdocs\includes\common.inc的第268行 : fsock"

So, How to take it on right way? Thanks a lot..

Are there any problems to use drupal on a mysql innodb engine?

Hi all,
to ensure referential integrity between tables of our db we have to leave the myIsam engine to meet a mysql engine that support referential integrity as innodb.
Do you know if are there any problems to use drupal on a mysql innodb engine?
Do you know if there is any specific hint/documentatio to follow? (i've fastly searched without find any)

Working weather module?

Does anyone have a working weather module to work with the Drupal version 4.6.x?


pathauto not working for category vocabs?

I have pathauto controlling the alias' for all my nodes, however I am noticing some peculiarities with it.

Firstly, all my categories (taxonomy definitions) do not have the spaces removed and replaced by the "-" which i have specified. So the url ends up being " name" which is pretty bad.

Secondly, how do i put a trailing "/" at the end of each alias? From my research in SEO, google prefers either an extension such as html, or a "/" to indicate a directory. I have set it in pathauto to put a trailing slash on the end, but it never does it.

how to do external url link? (ajaxshoutbox)

I just finished a Ajax powered shoutbox (based on chategory).
Now I am trying to imporve it and one of the thing that I wanna do is to have "auto url link" thingy.
I replaced the http://... with link, which didn't do the trick.

So, could anybody plz point me to the right direction of how to do this ? I've looked at the APIs such as t, l, url and the hook_filter but have no clue how to use it.

Thanks a bunch!

Where in CVS are 4.4 contrib modules?

I'm hunting for the 4.4 versions of some non-core drupal modules using the interface. Inside the drupal/drupal/modules directory, I can see all the core modules, and can choose to filter according to the DRUPAL-4-4 tag. But inside the contributions repository (drupal/contributions) my only options to filter seem to be the MAIN and HEAD tags. This despite the fact that versions of individual contributed modules do seem to have been tagged with DRUPAL-4-4. Any advice?


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