This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

override node_teaser()

I'm working on a small filter module that uses XML as input language and translates to HTML using XSLT. This all works fine but I run in to some troubles due to the way node_teaser() works. Since the input $text must be valid XML the default teaser stripping won't create valid XML. As a quick fix I set the Length of trimmed posts: to Unlimited.

What I would like to do is to override the default teaser behavior for my XML input format (generate the teaser from a special section in the xml...).

add sub-nav menu items to node page

I would like to add several sub-nav menu items underneath the node default "view" and "edit". I suspect the defined URL path is the problem. For instance the URL path of "view" is "node/[nid]" and "edit" is "node/[nid]/edit". The trick seems to be adding the current node value dynamically to the URL path like this:

css.module : css editing on node creation


I use drupal to create websites with lot of pages (as nodes)
using xhtml to organize contents.
For my html pages I always use css to style.

It would be really useful for me a css.module wich could:

add a text area into node creation page

use the text inserted to create a STYLE entry into head
zone of the drupal rendered page

links a node to another node's style text
(multiple nodes can use the same style)

Then user with enought rights could use complex xhtml/css
to create complex styled pages.

Voting API

Over the past several years, quite a few 'voting' solutions have passed through the drupal forums and CVS. Most are specific to nodes, and many are tightly integrated with a particular set of UI widgets (flash animations, etc).

Retrieve the actual node id from the _block hook


as a newbie maybe I'm asking something crazy, but ... these are my two questions :

It's possible to retrieve the actual node id from the _block hook ?
It's possible to output a page on right or left block?

Thank's for your patience.


how to pre-select a term on node's form?

I have a module (tagnode) and I wish to make a link to the create node form, in which a taxonomy term is pre-selected. E.g. a user clicks "create new story for topic Iraq". She is directed to the form to create new story node, with the taxonomy term "Iraq" pre-selected.

Is there a way to do this?


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