This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

Enhance user management


another problem:
I need to add some more fields to the user table (or create a new linked table with some fields).
Whats the best way to do that ?

. modify the user.module (probably I will have some problems on the new future versiono of drupal)
. inherits (in witch way?) the user.module and enhance his functionality
. create a new module and link in some way the functionalities of both

Any idea?



What were you trying trying to do with this SQL?

Hello everyone, I've been happily chugging along, trying to get my entire Drupal site going using PHP5 and PostGres 8.x

I've finally run into something that I don't think is a bug, but it sure seems illogical to me, and I can't figure out what the statement is trying to accomplish, so therefore I can't seem to convert it into a compliant SQL statement.

The following code is generated by the forums module.

Newsletter Aggregator

Does anybody know if there already is a module that allows to select specific nodes and then automatically generate a newsletter from their abstracts?

Thanks for any hint,

Form_Select problem

I've got a problem with the form_select function: I can't get back any results, probably 'cause there's an error in my "_POST section" code...

This is the code

function ruoli_form($node, $param) { // --- FUNZIONE OK ---
  //Chiama la funzione per caricare gli elementi
  $elementi= riempi_casella_nodi();
  //ottenuti gli elementi li inserisce nella casella a discesa
  $output .= form_select(t('Materiale'), materiale, $edit['materiale'],    $elementi,t('Seleziona il materiale'),0,0,1);  
  return $output;

function riempi_casella_nodi (){

//esegue la ricerca
$results = db_query("SELECT title FROM {node} WHERE type = 'video' OR type = 'story' OR type = 'image'  ORDER BY title");
//conta i record 
$num_rows = db_num_rows($results);
//e con due cicli magici riempie due array
for ($counter = 0; $counter < $num_rows; $counter++) {
 $users[] = db_fetch_array($results);

while(list($key, $setting) = each ($users)){
 $user_list[] = $setting[ "title" ];
//ritorna una rray come valore
return $user_list;

function ruoli_insert($node) {

 $data = $_POST['edit'];

$result = db_query("Select nid from {node} where title = '%s'", $data['materiale']);
$n = db_fetch_object($result);
db_query("INSERT INTO {materiali_ruoli_utenti} (nid_materiale) VALUES ('%d')", $n);

Do you have any suggestion?
Thanks in advance

Without www - Gallery working not correctly

Hello together,

maybe so. of you could help me. My Domain is the!

If i start it without the www, the gallery is empty. The Log says with a lot of entries:

"Could not find the page http:/"

After the http:/ is one slash missing. What must I do, is here so. who managed it?

bye and thx,

Best Practices: Include Patched Versions

As a lowly windows user, patching is usually an immediate turn off to a new module. Compared to other CMSes, Drupal has a much more complicated module install, which is only made more difficult when people have to patch. It causes annoyances for those patching and for command line users sick of trying to teach everyone how to patch. A simple solution would be if all modules that require a patched version of a file include that patched version. This is a simple solution, not a perfect one, but it would save headaches for many.


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