This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

Shared forums - can it be done?


I'm wondering if there is a way to share one or more forums between multiple Drupal instalations on different servers.

The idea is that many small websites with the same interests but few visitors would be able to have their own forums, but also share forums between them. This would allow them to stay individual but have busier forums.

I've posted this here and not in support because I can't see anything in existence which seems to be able to do this.

Opinions? Ideas??



"Maintain Books" bug?


Would really appreciate it if I can just get a confirmation on this -- that the "maintain books" permission in 4.6 doesn't do anything. In other words, it's not working.

Related nodes where I also confirmed/raised the issue:

Form elements side by side

I wonder if there is no function to align form elements in a row (side by side).

However, I wrote this:

Filter Development

I've been trying to build a filter to add information about .pdf links automatically for a non-profit website I'm updating and converting to Drupal ( However, the filter, although enabled in the admin/modules page does not affect the content of pages. Any help would be appreciated, and I'd like to post the code that I've used, but because of the Drupal suspicious content filters I can't figure out how to post it without being rejected.

Interesting Crack Attempt to Relay Spam

This morning at about 5 o'clock I was a victim of an interesting crack attempt to relay spam through my website.

I'm using the feedbak.module on my site for ... uhhh ... getting feedback. ;-)

The attacker used this 'web2email'-feature of my website to possibly compromise my site and enslave it as a spam bot.

The way it is done in general is decribed en detail at this site:

Project vocabulary tabs persisting between sessions

I'm working on some improvements to the project module. I've modified the taxonomy for Projects but, for some reason, the tabs, seemingly populated by categories data objects, doesn't seem to be updating. I cannot see where in the code the project module is generating these tabbed headers:

function project_page_overview($termname = NULL, $version = NULL) {
// If browsing by taxonomy, only fetch projects for this term
if (function_exists('taxonomy_get_vocabularies') && ($vocabulary = current(taxonomy_get_vocabularies('project_project')))) {
$terms = taxonomy_get_tree($vocabulary->vid);

if ($termname) {
foreach ($terms as $term) {
if ($term->name == $termname) {
else {
$term = current($terms);

if ($term->description) {
$output .= $term->description;
$result = db_query(db_rewrite_sql("SELECT n.nid, n.title, n.teaser, n.format, n.changed, p.issues FROM {node} n INNER JOIN {project_projects} p ON n.nid = p.nid LEFT JOIN {term_node} r ON n.nid = r.nid WHERE n.status = 1 AND r.tid = %d ORDER BY n.title ASC"), $term->tid);
// Fetch all projects
else {
$result = db_query(db_rewrite_sql("SELECT n.nid, n.title, n.teaser, n.format, n.changed, p.issues FROM {node} n INNER JOIN {project_projects} p ON n.nid = p.nid WHERE n.status = 1 ORDER BY n.title ASC"));


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