I'm currently attempting to develop a credits module, whereby users can gain points for contributions to the site. These credits can then be exchanged for features such as custom titles, avatars, etc. I'm having a problem deciding which would be the best way to store this information in a database.
Hi there
I'm trying to integerate Moxiecode ImageManager into Tinymce, without any success so far. I've followed the integration instructions and have added the required code into the tinymce.module. Unfortunately Imagemanager still does not load from within Tinymce.
If anyone has successfully integrated Imagemanger into Tinymce, I'd be really grateful for some advice.
I'm looking to contribute to the drupal community by sponsoring a robust review module. I'm not entirely clear on the best and most drupal way to architect the thing. I'm thinking that reviews would be nodes, each of which would be associated with a parent node (pertaining to the object/book/design/etc being reviewed). I don't think that comments are robust enough to support all of the needed features.
I posted a issue about my problem with the Workspace module and nodeperm_role working together. Content created by any given user gets duplicated many times in the user's workspace, while content that was created by others (but the user can edit through nodeperm_role) gets treated normally by workspace (no redundant listings). Any help resolving this issue would be appreciated.
I've done some searches on this and everything that I can find seems to be pretty old and more concerned with getting images into a blog or textarea. My question is this:
What is the best way to add an image upload element to a node type? I am working on a module that need to allow two images to be uploaded along with other custom data. When viewed, the images must be shown as thumbnails that link to the larger images.
First let me say hello and it's good to see such an active support forum. I am a member of CubeCart and PHPWebsite and have sites running on those programs. Drupal looks as if I can switch my e-commerce sites because of the many options. I am however having a problem installing the e-commerce module. I have uploaded all to my server and have enabled the required modules but I cannot seem to configure my sql db and get loads of errors like this one: