I'm working for a non-profit (www.ccia.org.au) and want to use drupal as an intranet.
I have two modules I need writing and do not have the skills or time to do it myself.
I'm considering using rentacoder.com to get this work done and I'm happy to contribute any useful code drupal.
Alternatively, if someone here is interested they should contact me.
Regarding specifications for these modules, are there any Drupal code standards I should insist on ? (var names, formatting, etc)
I notice that if a node has been created using the 'Full HTML' input format by the Admin, then this node can not be edited by another user even though that user has the "administer nodes" right. Logically, a user who is given the "administer nodes" right should be able to edit the node whatever the input format used for creating that node.
Other users except the admin (uid=1) only have access to the "Filtered HTML" input. Is there any way to choose access rights to Input format for other users ?
I'm sure someones mentioned this before, but unfortunately the search on this site won't let me find it.
How come all the e-mails Drupal creates (including from this site) start with ? I want to get rid of the  at the beginning and I can't find anything in the code for it.
From what I can see, it doesn't look like it is possible to have multiple books share the same pages. The reason I've been gravitating towards using books instead of taxonomy is because books are more simpler for users to understand.
The concept is:
Book 1:
--Page 1
--Page 2
Book 2
--Page 1
--Page 2
Custom Book
--Page one (from Book 1)
--Page two (from Book 2)