This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

Help with new module creation

I`m a non-programmer in mind but using drupal almost for 2 years.
Now i`ve moved from Drupal 4.2cvs to 4.4.0 and have noticed tha taxonomy_html is not supported in this version.
All i want is a rendered taxonomy vocabulary (only selected vocab with term-links and descriptions of them) on a outstading page but i can`t create such module without experience in php/

Any help is needed.

As a reward i can put your link at my site with Google pr=5, so your link will be in respect block!:)))

Dealing with comment spam using Bayesian logic

In the past couple of months, I've begun to notice the occasional posting of 'comment spam' on my website. These have tended to include a short string of nonsense "mad-lib" style text, followed by a large number of offsite links. I currently utilize the tracker module to at least glance at every comment left on my website, so I eventually find this spam and manually delete it. However as the rate of this comment spam has increased, I've been looking for a better way to deal with it.

Not wanting to re-invent the wheel, I began by looking at Spamassassin and other free anti-spam tools. I had hoped to integrate one of these tools into Drupal, letting it do the actual work of deciding whether or not a given comment was spam. With further research, I found that this wasn't very workable as these anti-spam tools tended to be very mail-centric, looking at more than just the body of the email. Instead, I read up on using Bayesian logic, and ultimately decided it would be best to write a simple Bayesian filter in PHP.

external link with menu() in mymodule_link hook

The title is pretty self explanatory.
What I want is to be able to link to something external to drupal site within the menu with menu() function called in a link hook.
I strongly think it has to be done with a custom module because I need permission mecanism ( that I cannot have with the menus.module from Jim Riggs )

But the menu fonction needs a "callback" : the name of a function to execute, not a link ! How can I workaround ? Create this very callback function but putting what in it for automatic external redirection ?

Anybody can help ? thanks.

Combine book.module and pdfview.module

book.module allows to show the whole book in a single page by recursively reading the content of all the pages and subpages.
pdfview.module allows to create a pdf of the content of a page (I experiment some issues with letters like àòèéù but that does not matter now).

I wonder what's the best way to combine both, to create pdf books - with or without comments, and with or without glossary, and with an index which links the automatically generated page numbers.

Which module handles what image issues in Drupal 4.5?

A friend asked me to pass this question along.

With many of the image (other file) handling issues now done at the core, sometimes it is a bit confusing for some to know exactly which image handling issue is currently performed by which module. For instance, which module for Drupal 4.5 is responsible for image/photo galleries that were setup with the old image.module? What other image related tasks have now been transferred to which other modules? Can some of the developers chime in and walk the rest of us through about image handling in Drupal 4.5?


poll.module formatting modifications

I noticed that the poll pages display incorrectly on a site when the poster is using an avatar.

I have fixed this and generally cleaned up the formatting with a few minor modifications. (poll.module)

What do i do with this? I think it might be something moderatley useful...


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