This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

a simpler project module

Hi chaps! My first post here!

I searched around the site for a trouble ticket (or help desk) module. The "project" module makes the job but it's to complex. So I am looking for something muuuuuuuch more basic.

Like apply taxonomies as categories and so avoid all the procedure of project creation/management.

Any module ready or any way to do that?


knowledge base module

Hi all,

I am not a devloper, but was wondering if there exists a knowledge base module for drupal?

Weblink module: Allow duplicated weblinks


how can I change the code to allow duplicated weblinks in the database??


Roseline Paquin

node_prepare stripping out my tags


I have been using the node_example.module sample to learn a bit about writing drupal modules. I have run into a bit of a problem though with the node filters and I am hoping that a veteran developer could just clarify this issue for me.

The node_example.module has these two functions that are used to render the 'new' node:

function node_example_view(&$node, $teaser = FALSE, $page = FALSE) {
  $node = node_example_content($node, $teaser);
  return theme('node', $node, $teaser, $page);

function node_example_content($node, $teaser = FALSE) {
  $order_info = theme('node_example_order_info', $node);
  $node->body .= $order_info;
  $node->teaser .= $order_info;
  return node_prepare($node, $teaser);

function theme_node_example_order_info($node) {
  $output = '<div class="node_example_order_info">';
  $output .= t('The order is for %quantity, %colour items.', array('%quantity' => $node->quantity,
                                                                   '%colour' => $node->colour));
  $output .= '</div>';
  return $output;

node->body is themed by node_example_content() and then filtered through node_prepare. One of the things that the theme does in insert a

into the node body. The problem is that the filter then removes the

Now my problem is:
How do I use my theme to insert the

tags that I want, but still prevent users from submitting node bodies that contain

Changing the format of node->title


I am writing a module that will be used to track clicks on title links in the teaser view. The problem is that I am can't figure out how to rewrite the URL for the node title in the teaser view. I thought that hook_nodeapi() might be useful for this, but it seems it is only useful for rewriting node_body.

I would prefer to do this without hacking any particular theme, since I would like this module to be compatible with all/most existing themes.

Any suggestions out there on how I could approach this?


any chance slideshow and ecard for image.module?


Feature requests for the superb image.module..

a slideshow for the gallery part and ecard functionality?

is this possible - anybody out there can do?



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