This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

subscrible module to nonregistred visitors

I am in need of a module that allows an Admin to send different emails/newsletters to non registred/registred members who entered e-mail in special subscrible form.

Moblog module needs your help

Hello all,

I have developed a moblog module that lets your users post pictures, audio and video from their phones. One of the problems I'm faced with is that every wireless phone carrier delivers the item (picture/audio/video) in a different format. I've developed a plugin system to handle the processing of messages from different carriers. The main thing these plugins do is to separate the actual package from the formatting/advertizing. In some instances, only a link to some website where the image is stored is sent, with no actual attachment. In such instances, the plugin will pull the image from the external website. The wireless carriers don't tend to publish this sort of message format anywhere, so I have a favor to ask of you...

Could I get anyone who is interested in helping me with the development of this module to send image, audio and/or video to my test server mail account here: ? All I really need is one example of each from every major carrier (and every major model of phone, if the data differs). My primary concern is images at this point. Video conversion is a scary can of worms that I'm deferring until later. I think audio would be somewhat trivial, but until I have a broad array of examples to look at, I won't know for sure.

I would certainly appreciate feedback. The code is only in CVS and an official project has not yet been created. It's at best beta quality code at the moment. The Readme is here. My testing/development site is here:

Article module: Limiting the latest articles in a block

I am trying to figure how to limit the number of latest articles displayed in a block. I have searched the php manual on limiting the arrays, but didn't come up with anything usable.

I believe that function that handles this in the article module is the following:

Catching database errors on insert/update

Hi All,

I am having a bit of a problem understanding how to trap and handle database errors. Lets say i have a table with the following definition:

email VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL,
UNIQUE INDEX u_email_idx(email)

For the purposes of this discussion, email is a field that contains a unique email address. The uniqueness of this address is enforced by the unique index u_email_idx.

[Help] Change code

global $user;

if (user_access("access content")) {
  $stories = "";

  $queryResult = db_query_range("SELECT n.uid,, max(n.nid) FROM {node} n INNER JOIN {users} u ON u.uid = n.uid WHERE n.type = 'story' AND n.status = 1 GROUP BY n.uid, ORDER BY 3 DESC", 0, 3);

  while ($node = db_fetch_object($queryResult)) {
    $stories .= node_title_list(db_query_range("SELECT n.title, n.nid FROM {node} n WHERE n.type = 'story' AND n.status = 1 AND n.uid = " . $node->uid . " ORDER BY n.nid DESC", 0, 3));

  return $stories
      . "

How to import data into flexinode node types

Hi all,
I would like to use flexinode to create custom node types. I'm ready with the design, but now I need to import data from my previous CMS into Drupal.
Any ideas on how to write such a migration script ??
Should I write a specific module, or is it better to write a PHP script completely out of Drupal ??

Thanks in advance for your help



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