This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

Newletters & Archive

I am in need of a module that allows an Admin role to send different emails/newsletters to registered members, and then archive them.

For example, the site I'm working on is for a non-profit. The Director sends out an informal update to the association members every week. I need to enable a form to send these and have the sent messages archived in a "Notes from..." heading. She also does monthly newsletters and infrequent legislative updages, each of these would have to be archived under a "Newletter" and "Legislative Update" heading.

Changing the display of weblink nodes

While weblinks are treated as nodes inside the drupal they are displayed not like all other nodes (like story, filestore or blog entry). And think it's not right. I wanted to modify the module by myself but my poor knowledge of PHP prevented me from succeeding.
All that i figured out is that in this module a theme_weblink_node_short function is used to display weblinks in a nodes-list. In all other modules as far as i understood no such "special" functions are used.

Cron, syndication, and rss: How do I update?

I'm pretty new to Drupal, so forgive me if this is an RTFM.

I have added an RSS feed to my Drupal instance. I can update the items just fine by hand. I can't seem to find anything explaining what I need to do in order to get it to update automatically.

I updated the feed to set the update interval to 15 minutes, but it doesn't update.

cron.php is in place and running as root. Right now it's set to run every hour, but according to the RSS page my feed hasn't updated for 1 hour 54 minutes.

What am the deal?

Scripture Filter

Hello All:

This is to announce the release of a new module, Scripture Filter. It creates links from Bible book references, e.g. John 3:16. The links point can point to one of 3 locations:, the ESV online bible or the NET bible. The default is biblegateway, but you can change that by using John 3:16 (ESV). The links will open in a seperate window. If there are any problems, let me know at

Applying Taxonomies To User Profiles

Hi all,

I am new to Drupal having come across from an ezPublish background. I have been having a look at the user profile module and have a few questions that I would like to ask all of you knowledgeable veterans.
Say I have three taxonomies:
1. Location that contains a hierarchical list of countries and regions
2. Gender (male & female)
3. Favourite foods.

Read Me - Breaking a story

I have noticed that on longer stories it automatiaclly breaks to another page (from the homepage). I would like to change the amount (of charchters?!?) required until it breaks. Take it easy on me, i'm very new to this and it seems quite a good CMS.

I have used search, but i really haven't found anything.

Thanks in advance,


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