This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

Getting Image and Filestore modules to show up as high level blocks

I've added the Image and Filestore modules to my drupal site and have activated the modules. After a bit of work on directories, they work.

warning: Rename failed (No such file or directory) in image.module on line 719.

i am using drupal 4.4.0 and associated modules with same version.
Iam not able to save images in the database , I get an error like

"warning: Rename failed (No such file or directory) in /home/sites/site1/web/drupal/modules/image.module on line 719.
Cannot save image."
There's no problem with the premissions of the directories

Image module error message

When I try to preview an image that I'm uploading on a new drupal site with the just installed "image" module, I'm getting the following error message. Does anyone know what might cause this?

warning: move_uploaded_file(./tmpimg_dharma-posse.jpg): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /usr/www/users/mimir/ngakpa/modules/image/image.module on line 463.

warning: move_uploaded_file(): Unable to move '/usr/tmp/phpOUeGsv' to './tmpimg_dharma-posse.jpg' in /usr/www/users/mimir/ngakpa/modules/image/image.module on line 463.

Hacking node titles in modules

I'm building a module that allows users to create content.

In drupal, every node has a title. However, in the module I'm making, the "title" is not needed and asking for a title is confusing to the user; all they need is to input is the "body".

I don't want a title input field to appear to the user in my module's gui. How to get around this?

The only way I could figure, is to hack node.module, and insert a conditional statement that tests for my module's name.

If the test for my module name is true, the title input field will not appear to the user.

Submit content over several pages?

I have recently installed Drupal and have been quite pleased with its capabilities. I'm interested in creating a site that would require users to submit content over several pages. I would be asking for a fairly large amount of information from my users which is the reason for the multi page submit process.

Two questions:

New module game 'tag'

Just a simple and stupid game to keep your users busy. :)

It's just like the 'game of tag'.

You can check it out here:

Have fun.


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