This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

Filter glossary definitions

This might seem weird, but I've written a filter module that I'd like to run against definitions in the glossary module. It works fine filtering content in nodes, but it seems that the glossary page doesn't get passed through the filter.

Is there a simple method call that I need to add to the glossary module to have it filtered?

Image module gallery function and CVS

It seems that the last release of the cvs image module that does have gallery functionality does not work with the current CVS of drupal. I assume this is why the latest revision of the image module no longer includes gallery options.

Does anyone have any suggestions on a setup or combination of prior revisions of the drupal core files that will enable gallery functionality and allow me to continue to use drupal CVS?

Need help with the simplest "hello world" module

I'm trying to create a simple module that just prints "hello world" on a page (not block), and I'm having trouble. I've spent lots of time reading the /support section and the doxygen API stuff, but I seem to get more, not less, confused. So here I am...

Here's what I have:

"helloworld.module" contains:

function helloworld_page() {
	$output = "hello world";
	theme('page', $output, $main); 

Then in: administration -> configuration -> modules

I checked "helloworld"

Then I navigate to:

And I get:

"Page not found"

Can anyone help me get this up and running? I'm running 4.4.2. I'm comfortable enough with PHP to flesh out my module later but am still wrapping my head around the drupal framework.



New module draws graph

I tinkered with the jpgraph libraries a bit and came up with the idea to integrate it in drupal as a node module.

Basically it lets users enter timebased values and draws a graph based upon.

Be sure to read the license clause on the jpgraph site (free for non-commercial use).

All (constructive) feedback/suggestions are welcome.

node-level permissions and taxonomy

Finally the node-level permissions made it into core. Thank you, thank you, thank you :)

My scenario is simple: I need to hide some forums from certain users.

JonBob already made the solution for me with the example module he made for taxonomy - simply select the forum taxonomy as the permission taxonomy as well and everything is fine.

However, I can't figure out how to hide the taxonomy terms themselves - that is, prevent the forums to get listed on the forum page and in the drop downs when people add new forum topics.


Iam not able to save images in the database , I get an error like

"warning: Rename failed (No such file or directory) in /home/sites/site1/web/drupal/modules/image.module on line 719.
Cannot save image."
There's no problem with the premissions of the directories


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