This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

Would like to extend the event module

I didn't really know where to post this, so this place seemed appropriate. I would like to extend the event module so that it supports more than one calendar based on terms under the calendar vocabulary. I feel it would be fairly easy to do by changing the SQL syntax that grabs the calendar information. I assume this could be done by JOINing using the node's tid in the table term_node. This is of course just a guess based on what info I understand, that being not much.

Demo of automatic scatter plots

I have been working on automatically rendering some site statistics in scatter plots. The utility does not handle arbitrary plots. It shows a set of six scatter plots. Some of the functionality could be extended to generating generic scatter plots. However, that is way beyond the scope of what I want to do. I do plan to make this a real Drupal module in the near future.

Functional Group Module Would Really Help Drupal

I'm fine-tuning my first Drupal site, and have been really pleased with the choice of using Drupal. The only thing :-) I would really like to see added to the functionality is a working Group module. From what I gather reading the posts, there's a bug holding it up. I'm not a coder, or I'd devote some time to fixing that issue myself. With group based permissions, tons of doors would open up for corporate and educational uses of Drupal. I'm in art education, and without group-based permissions, I can't really squeeze the sophistication of LMS packages like Blackboard, etc out of Drupal.

Block for comments approval queue, how to show only when not emty?

I'm trying to make a adminblock.module and the first part is to show the comments approval queue. I have it working but I would like the block to show only when there are comments to approve.

The && $items != "" in adminblock_block() is not working. Any tips or hints?

As you no doubt can tell I'm not a PHP programmer.


// adminblock.module v0.1.0, Fredrik Jonsson, 2004-07-15
// (Based on latest.module v0.1.0, John Clift, 11 Dec 2003)

function adminblock_help($section = "admin/help#adminblock") {
$output = "";

switch ($section) {
case 'admin/system/modules#description':
$output = t("Block that display the comments approval queue.");
return $output;

// Database query to get the comments approval queue
// $nlimit sets the number of comments titles to display

function adminblock_content() {
$nlimit = 10;
$result = db_query_range("SELECT c.timestamp, c.subject, c.cid, c.status
FROM comments c
WHERE c.status = 1
ORDER BY c.timestamp
DESC ", 0, $nlimit);
while ($comment = db_fetch_object($result)) {
$items[] = check_output($comment->subject)." "." - ".format_date($comment->timestamp, "medium")." [".l(t("edit"),"admin/comment/edit/".$comment->cid)."]|[".l(t("delete"),"admin/comment/delete/".$comment->cid)."]";
$output = theme("item_list", $items);

for sale module how do i do it? (please help :( )

I'm a noobie when it comes to doing drupal i've been doing php for a while but drupal is something else alltogether.
But i want to know this:
How would i write a module that allowed people to sell stuff on my site?
it does not need to have any crdit card facilities on it because it's more to tell people that it is for sale than for people to acutally buy stuff online. Sort of like the freeads website.

The user needs to be able to upload an image of what they have to sell and also how much it would cost.

FunGames (over150) and Funvideos


I have tested half the Night my Funvideos and Fungames Modules. (Drupal v4.4.2)
I am new to Drupal and it was tricky to include the content.
Always when i read the dynamic content from my Server it kills my DrupalSite.

The only Solution was, to include the Modules via InlineFrame. Looks bad - but works.
They can be uploaded and activatet.
(I will spend more time to fit it in the themes.)
But so long... Have Fun with this content.

It is free and hosted external. That means you have no Traffic and are topical.


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