Help protect the website from attackers or bad actors, by identifying, preventing, or mitigating security vulnerabilities.

Reset Password Email OTP


Drupal by default sends Password Reset URL by email to user's email id in password recovery mail, but Reset Password Email OTP module sends random generated OTP by email instead of URL to the user.

Views entity_access check


Adds "view" ($value->_entity->access('view')) access check on each views row pre-render.

Okta User Sync and Provisioning

The Okta User Sync Module provides you a bi-directional user synchronization and provisioning between the Okta and your Drupal site.

Mollie Webform Delete Submission

Privacy regulations sometimes dictate that a website must not store contact information. A webform has a viable option to meet this requirement. Pick Disable saving of submissions in the settings.

Did someone clone me

Did someone clone me protects your website and visitors against phishing attacks. It will send you a notification when someone clones your website.

Key Encrypt

This module will provide the ability to encrypt keys, as proposed in


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