1. Count your forum containers ...
  2. Using a text editor, create a Java script file, gave it a name, for example: collapse-containers.js using the following code, and put it in the /misc folder :

    " Note : the following code is for 11 containers , count the containers in your forum and place the corresponding definitions after the first line "var containers = { };" of the Java script code. If you want to make new containers later , you need to edit this file in the future "

    var containers = { };
    containers["container_1"] = { "show" : 1 };
    containers["container_2"] = { "show" : 1 };
    containers["container_3"] = { "show" : 1 };
    containers["container_4"] = { "show" : 1 };
    containers["container_5"] = { "show" : 1 };
    containers["container_6"] = { "show" : 1 };
    containers["container_7"] = { "show" : 1 };
    containers["container_8"] = { "show" : 1 };
    containers["container_9"] = { "show" : 1 };
    containers["container_10"] = { "show" : 1 };
    containers["container_11"] = { "show" : 1 };
    function elwardah_forum_class_filter(r, m) {
      m = " " + m + " ";
      var tmp = [];
      for (var i = 0; r[i]; i++) {
        var pass = (" " + r[i].className + " ").indexOf(m) >= 0;
        if (pass) {
      return tmp;
    function elwardah_forum_toggle_display(m) {
      containers[m]["show"] = !containers[m]["show"];
    function elwardah_forum_render(m) {
      var rows = document.getElementsByTagName("tr");
      rows = elwardah_forum_class_filter(rows, m);
      for ( var i = 0; rows[i]; i++ ) {
        if (containers[m]["show"]) {
        } else {
      var c = document.getElementById(m);
      var e = c.getElementsByTagName("span");
      e = elwardah_forum_class_filter(e, "show_hide_message");
      e[0].innerHTML = containers[m]["show"] ? "Hide" : "Show";
    function elwardah_forum_hide(e) {
      e.oldblock = e.oldblock || e.style.display;
      if (e.oldblock == "none") {
        e.oldblock = "block";
      e.style.display = "none";
    function elwardah_forum_show(e) {
      e.style.display = e.oldblock ? e.oldblock : "";
      if (e.style.display == "none") {
        e.style.display = "block";
    function elwardah_forum_store_preferences() {
      var data = [];
      for (var c in containers) {
        data.push(c + ":" + Number(containers[c]["show"]));
      data = escape(data.join(";"));
      var date = new Date();
      date.setTime(date.getTime() + (365*24*60*60*1000));
      var expires = "; expires=" + date.toGMTString();
      document.cookie = "forumprefs=" + data + expires + "; path=/";
    function elwardah_forum_load_preferences() {
      var cookieName = "forumprefs=";
      var ca = document.cookie.split(";");
      for(var i = 0; i < ca.length; i++) {
        var c = unescape(ca[i].replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ""));
        if (c.indexOf(cookieName) == 0) {
          var data = c.substring(cookieName.length, c.length);
          data = data.split(";");
          for (var k = 0; data[k]; k++) {
            var pair = data[k].split(":");
            if (containers[pair[0]]) {
              containers[pair[0]]["show"] = Number(pair[1]);
      for (var c in containers) {
    function elwardah_stop_bubble(e) {
      if (e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation(); e.cancelBubble = true;
  3. Using a text editor, create a file and give it the name "forum_list.tpl.php" using the following code. Put it in your active theme folder.
    * This snippet generates the forum_list layout.
    * This works with Drupal 4.7 and Drupal 5.x
    * For use with a custom forum_list.tpl.php file.
      global $user; // checks the current user so later the snippet can determine what permissions they have
      if ($forums) { // check if there is forums.
          drupal_add_js("misc/collapse-containers.js");  // include the Java script file in the pages that has forums
              $container_flag = 0;                  
        foreach ($forums as $key=>$forum) { // this is the start of the forum list routine that generates the containers and forum list.
          if ($forum->container) {          // If the forum is a container
              if ($container_flag) {  // I wanted each container to be in a separate table
                      print theme('table', $header, $rows);
                  $rows = $nrows;
                $container_flag += 1;
            $description  = "<div>\n";
            $description .= ' <div class="name">'. l($forum->name, "forum/$forum->tid/container") ."</div>\n";
            if ($forum->description) {
              $description .= " <div class=\"description\">$forum->description</div>\n" ;
            $description .= "<span class=\"show_hide_message\">Show</span>"."</div>\n";
        $rows[] = array( 'class' => 'container', 'data' => array('data' => array( 'data' => $description,'colspan' =>4)), 'id'=>'container_'.$container_flag, 'onclick'=>"elwardah_forum_toggle_display(this.id);" );
        // this sets the column titls and style sheet class names
            $rows[] = array('class' => 'container_'.$container_flag, 'data' =>array(
            array('data' => t('Subject'), 'class' => 'f-subject'),
            array('data' => t('Topics'), 'class' => 'f-topics'),
            array('data' => t('Posts'),'class' => 'f-posts'),
            array('data' => t('Last post'),'class' => 'f-last-reply')
          else {                     // If the forum is not a container
            $forum->old_topics = _forum_topics_unread($forum->tid, $user->uid);
            if ($user->uid) {
              $new_topics = _forum_topics_unread($forum->tid, $user->uid);
            else {
              $new_topics = 0;
            $description  = '<div>';
            $description .= ' <div class="name">'. l($forum->name, "forum/$forum->tid") ."</div>\n";
            if ($forum->description) {
              $description .= " <div class=\"description\">$forum->description</div>\n";
            $description .= "</div>\n";
            $rows[] = array( 'class' => 'container_'.$container_flag, 'data' =>array(
              array('data' => $description, 'class' => 'forum'),
              array('data' => $forum->num_topics . ($new_topics ? '<br>'. l(format_plural($new_topics, '1 new', '@count new'), "forum/$forum->tid", NULL, NULL, 'new') : ''), 'class' => 'topics'),
              array('data' => $forum->num_posts, 'class' => 'posts'),
              array('data' => _forum_format($forum->last_post), 'class' => 'last-reply')));
         * Only set the table header if page is a container with listing of forums
        if(in_array(arg(1), variable_get('forum_containers', array()))){
                // reverse array
                $nrows = array_reverse($rows,true);
                //get the container description
                $container = taxonomy_get_term(arg(1));
                //add to output
                $rows = $nrows;
                $rows[] = array( 'class' => 'container_'.$container_flag, 'data' =>array(
                    array('data' => t('Subject'), 'class' => 'f-subject'),
                    array('data' => t('Topics'), 'class' => 'f-topics'),
                    array('data' => t('Posts'),'class' => 'f-posts'),
                    array('data' => t('Last post'),'class' => 'f-last-reply')
                $rows[] = array( 'class' => 'container', 'data' => array('data' => array( 'data' => $description,'colspan' =>4)), 'id'=>'container_'.$container_flag, 'onclick'=>"elwardah_forum_toggle_display(this.id);" );
                //reverse again to output
                $nrows = array_reverse($rows,true);
                $rows = $nrows;
        print theme('table', $header, $rows);
  4. In a text editor, create a new file called "template.php" and copy the following snippet into the file. If a "template.php" file already exists, simply add the snippet remembering to omit the opening and closing PHP tags (i.e. and )
    * This snippet tells Drupal to override the forum_list function
    * and load a custom forum_list.tpl.php layout file
    * in the theme folder
    function phptemplate_forum_list($forums, $parents, $tid) {
    return _phptemplate_callback('forum_list', array('forums' => $forums, 'parents' =>$parents, 'tid' =>$tid));
  5. Make the required addition to your css file to stylish the "show_hide_message" class, for example:
    show_hide_message {
                                float: left;
  6. The result can be found here :


Note : The idea was inspired by the forum of :



grn’s picture

*Closing EDIT 2008-08-06* I don't have a clue how to monitor this comment, so it will be discontinued. The development of this feature is being developed for the advanced forum module here: http://drupal.org/node/291084

Hi, does anybody know how to port this to Drupal 6.x followed the directions, without luck.

*EDIT* 2008-07-23: Some fixes for 6.x below.

If you use advanced forum, you need to follow this fix: http://drupal.org/node/260633. Okay great! You will get a nasty error from forum_list.tpl.php on the content: array('data' => _forum_format($forum->last_post), 'class' => 'last-reply')));

You need to fix it by replacing it with: array('data' => ($forum->last_reply), 'class' => 'last-reply')));
as stated here: http://drupal.org/node/237412

This will work in some way, It would be cool if advanced forum adapted this. It would greatly improve Drupal Forums with the integration of collapsible forum containers.


ugesh.gali’s picture

I am new bee to the drupal I want the drupal collapsible container as shown in the website http://software.intel.com/en-us/forums/ so please clearly expalin wher to keep the to keep the code in a particular region

with reards