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Integration with the MapBox Javascript API.

Current status:

Alpha1 release

  • The MapBox.js module provides an exportable entity bundle for managing maps that leverage MapBox.js and the MapBox API.
  • The module also provides a new field type for displaying MapBox maps on any entity.
  • In addition to presenting MapBox maps as fields, the module ships with a submodule (mapboxjs_block) that provides a block for each MapBox.js map preset that has been defined.
  • This version of the module provides a locked link field for adding toggle-able MapBox tileset layers on top of an optional base MapBox map.

Development release

  • The development release is a work in progress. Rather than providing a single base MapBox map, this version of the module provides two locked link fields - one for optional, toggle-able tilesets and another for switching base maps (ie, terrain vs satellite layers).


  • We will provide a GeoField formatter.
  • Views integration (though admittedly this is not quite as high on our list priorities).


See the mapboxjs.make.example file to quickly grab the two necessary library dependencies (mapbox.js and mapbox.css) from MapBox.

Initial development by ThinkShout, with sponsorship and support from Scenic Hudson. Much thanks to MapBox for providing the Drupal community with such great tools.

Supporting organizations: 

Project information
