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The Telvue project includes 5 modules. The main Telvue API modules includes functions to leverage the Telvue API on a video playback server, but does nothing on it's own.

Please Note: There is a fork of this module with more recent commits available here as part of the CM-Advanced repo.
  • Telvue Blocks - Adds blocks for some commonly used features like Now Playing
  • Telvue Show Fields - Feature that adds commonly used fields to a Show including duration, episone, .
  • Telvue Push - Adds a 'Push to Telvue' Button to the Show form, a View Bulk Operation, and option to Push on Save. Once a Show's metadata has been Pushed to Telvue, the Telvue Program ID is saved and used to keep the Show node and Telvue program synchronized.

Related modules:
Feeds: Telvue - Defines custom psg namespace used in Airings so psg: elements can be mapped to fields in Feeds.
Media: Cloudcast - Adds support for Cloudcast to Media

Supporting organizations: 
Development is supported by First Turn Media and the community media organizations utilizing the Telvue system.

Project information
