Changing Theme w/ admin interface access?

I have a problem with the current theme. For some reason it has locked be me out of drupal. It appears to be an xtemplate engine issue. I hadn't done an upgrade or anything like that when this happened. I was only poking around the admin interface and building a new view.

I'd like to change the theme to a non-xtemplate one so that I can start debugging this. How can I do this if I don't have access to the software? I tried changing the record "theme_default" in the variables database table, but that didn't accomplish it.

Is there a better approach to debugging this?

Studio 619 needs a Rock Star Drupal Programmer

The Project:

We are actively seeking a person or company with extensive Drupal experience. We need an expert programmer/developer to customize and automate many of the Drupal features. This will be continuous work for months/years into the future. We will pay a premium, but only if you're a rock star and can help us deliver what we want and need. We don't have time to foster "on the job training," so please, no newbies at this time.

Note: As a good rule of thumb, if you feel you could write a book on Drupal, then you're probably a perfect fit. (We're reading the other book right now).

You'll be working with 2-3 people over the next few months.

The Team:

Systems Administrator - You'll be working with our system administrator who operates our servers and is a Debian GNU/Linux veteran. You'll help create modules for existing account, maintenance and billing scripts. The scripts must ultimately be executed through Drupal as a module in the "best practices" way.

User Interface Designer - You'll help our XHTML/CSS experts with preparing and planning out themes for easy module integration. We have the best CSS talent you'll find anywhere, we just need to prepare our themes in a "best practices" way. Show us the basics and we'll Drupalize our current themes.

Making my form communicate with Image.Module

I have a custom form which opens in a thickbox layer. Functionally it accepts an image, has a title and description, like a regular Image.module of image.

Now I wish to make the thing actually work. The reason I'm using a custom form is because I need to automatically add the image submitted into a moderation queue. Can anyone help

The Future of Nodes

This presentation from Drupalcon Barcelona 2007 is available for viewing and download at

The slides were only a brief portion of the session, which consisted primarily of Q&A and brainstorming with the members of the Drupal community who were in attendance. A full summary of the ideas shared will be coming shortly.


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