Drupal Project - Online Social Community Development

I'm looking for the upper-crust of drupal developers to help us complete the development of a social community website. The design and architecture of the site is complete. We need somebody to make it a reality. We started development with a previous firm, but they don't seem to be cutting it. Please contact me only if you are in the Los Angeles or surrounding area. We may need to meet to discuss it.


Specific Role mods

We want to create a role that will allow a youth group leader or "leader" to be able to add a specific number of users with names and passwords. Currently, they buy x amount of tickets through memberclicks and I have to download the .csv files. I use the csv info to manually add user. The problem is, they are buying tickets in bulk and we want the youth worker to have the ability to add x number of users within our site (so I am not sitting there all day adding user after user). We want them to be able to do this but not have admin rights.

Drupal 6 search box theming


Is someone has an idea how to theme the search box on drupal 6 ?

I've take a look at the search.module ans saw this function

function theme_search_block_form($form) {
  return '<div class="container-inline">'. drupal_render($form) .'</div>';

so I've created this function in my template.php file but there's no change

Running Drupal behind a cluster..

I have noticed that when running Drupal behind a cluster, it only returns the IP address of the outward facing servers, and not the actual IP address of the visitor.

You can imagine the chaos this creates when a module such as SPAM blocks that IP address..

The solution is relatively simple:

Change any references to REMOTE_ADDR in the code (in core it's in session.inc, session.inc, and bootstrap.inc), over to HTTP_X_CLUSTER_CLIENT_IP...

How do I upgrade from drupal 4.6 to Drupal 5.2

Currently I'm using drupal 4.6.2 for a website, the problem is I need to add new modules for more functionality. I need to add modules like service links, gsitemap, spam etc. Some modules I need are available for 4.7.x but it does not function in 4.6.2. Therefore, I'm thinking of upgrading to 5.2 rather than 4.7.
1. How do I do this? Upgrade from 4.5.2 to 5.2 of drupal.
2. I have to retain all the post (node) information and user information of the current website? How do I do it?

Password expiration

I need a way to auto-expire passwords after a certain length of time. Has anyone done this before? I'm using Drupal 5.x right now, but by the time we need this, it might be possible to use Drupal 6.x too if that makes things easier.


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